Well-Known Member
This is a follow up to the murder victim in Chicago. How do we prevent this from happening to our own? a couple years ago I had a long conversation with my lawyer regarding police, detectives, rights, tactics and choices. I also have a mentor that practices law on the west coast and have heard plenty from him. My experiences as a troubled youth reinforce what I have learned and I only wish I had learned it when I was 15.
We have a set of lessons we try to teach our kids about how to navigate life successful and not end up in trouble. It's different for our daughters and sons as they will likely have different sets of standards and measures they must take to protect themselves. How they deal with cops is important to their survival. I felt compelled to share some of what I learned and extended to my kids. The following assumes you have already coached them on not doing stupid **** that draws cops. First and foremost I coached my kids to be law abiding citizens but this is no longer a guarantee of anything.
1. Be polite.
2. The cop has a gun, do what he says and don't argue, keep your hands in plain sight and no sudden moves. Never argue, see #3.
3. Shut the **** up. He is trained to get you to relax and spout incriminating information. He is NOT your friend, politely decline to speak about anything other than your basic information like name, address et al.
4. You DO NOT owe the cop an explanation of where your headed or where your coming from, but NEVER be a cocky ******* about not telling him. I just don't answer questions not directly relevant to the interaction. You CAN be polite and respectful while protecting your privacy.
5. NEVER, NEVER take a roadside sobriety test. I don't drink and I would never take one per my lawyer who defends many DUI cases. If it comes down to it you consent to a blood test at the hospital.
6. Do you know why I pulled you over today? (correct answer) No officer, I thought I was driving safely. (incorrect answer) I might have been going a little fast there, I'll slow it down. Remember shut the **** up, his sole purpose in life is not to get you to slow down but to write you a citation and generate revenue for his department. From the moment you see his face he is mining for evidence against you, don't offer it up on a silver platter. Dont make your first words to him a confession of anything. Your lawyer knows how to deal with speeding tickets and DUIs and he will not be pleased that you got verbal diarrhea.
7. I'm sorry officer, with all due respect I really dont want to talk. Your own statements often slam dunk you in court.
8. Reiterate. Never be cocky or douchy, always yes sir/no sir, have some respect and be decent, the cops job is really a dangerous one so do not forget to be polite. The idea is not to challenge his authority, the idea is to preserve your privacy, freedom and life.
Detectives: If your ever asked to talk to a detective decline, shut the **** up!! You dont have to talk, if they threaten you with arrest let them do it. Call your lawyer immediately and do what he says. When they say "your not under arrest and you can leave any time" that is the moment you leave with out a word. If you are arrested then you USE YOUR RIGHT TO BE SILENT, say nothing until your lawyer is beside you. Remember if they had enough evdience to arrest you you would be uner arrest. They are looking to you to provide enough evidence for your own arrest. Shut the **** up boys!!
If you dont have a lawyer you better get one and at least have a consult about issues like these, it varies a little from state to state but you have to be prepared in an atmosphere of increasing police brutality and murders on top of all the privacy voilation.
In an age where doing the right thing just might not be enough, have you coached your kids on dealing with authorities? what are your thoughts.
We have a set of lessons we try to teach our kids about how to navigate life successful and not end up in trouble. It's different for our daughters and sons as they will likely have different sets of standards and measures they must take to protect themselves. How they deal with cops is important to their survival. I felt compelled to share some of what I learned and extended to my kids. The following assumes you have already coached them on not doing stupid **** that draws cops. First and foremost I coached my kids to be law abiding citizens but this is no longer a guarantee of anything.
1. Be polite.
2. The cop has a gun, do what he says and don't argue, keep your hands in plain sight and no sudden moves. Never argue, see #3.
3. Shut the **** up. He is trained to get you to relax and spout incriminating information. He is NOT your friend, politely decline to speak about anything other than your basic information like name, address et al.
4. You DO NOT owe the cop an explanation of where your headed or where your coming from, but NEVER be a cocky ******* about not telling him. I just don't answer questions not directly relevant to the interaction. You CAN be polite and respectful while protecting your privacy.
5. NEVER, NEVER take a roadside sobriety test. I don't drink and I would never take one per my lawyer who defends many DUI cases. If it comes down to it you consent to a blood test at the hospital.
6. Do you know why I pulled you over today? (correct answer) No officer, I thought I was driving safely. (incorrect answer) I might have been going a little fast there, I'll slow it down. Remember shut the **** up, his sole purpose in life is not to get you to slow down but to write you a citation and generate revenue for his department. From the moment you see his face he is mining for evidence against you, don't offer it up on a silver platter. Dont make your first words to him a confession of anything. Your lawyer knows how to deal with speeding tickets and DUIs and he will not be pleased that you got verbal diarrhea.
7. I'm sorry officer, with all due respect I really dont want to talk. Your own statements often slam dunk you in court.
8. Reiterate. Never be cocky or douchy, always yes sir/no sir, have some respect and be decent, the cops job is really a dangerous one so do not forget to be polite. The idea is not to challenge his authority, the idea is to preserve your privacy, freedom and life.
Detectives: If your ever asked to talk to a detective decline, shut the **** up!! You dont have to talk, if they threaten you with arrest let them do it. Call your lawyer immediately and do what he says. When they say "your not under arrest and you can leave any time" that is the moment you leave with out a word. If you are arrested then you USE YOUR RIGHT TO BE SILENT, say nothing until your lawyer is beside you. Remember if they had enough evdience to arrest you you would be uner arrest. They are looking to you to provide enough evidence for your own arrest. Shut the **** up boys!!
If you dont have a lawyer you better get one and at least have a consult about issues like these, it varies a little from state to state but you have to be prepared in an atmosphere of increasing police brutality and murders on top of all the privacy voilation.
In an age where doing the right thing just might not be enough, have you coached your kids on dealing with authorities? what are your thoughts.