dropped my bike

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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2010
Reaction score
I stoped at the gas station on my last ride.
Now,..2 things come into play here....#1 when I pulled up to the gas pump, I didnt pull far enough ahead. "I am use to putting gas in the front of the bike,not the rear"
#2 Vmax does NOT have a locking kick stand like my previous harley. So when I nuged the bike forward....well,..plop on the ground. And yea everone WAS watching. I felt like a newbee tool !!
I also learned very quickly that this bike weighed cosideratley more than my sportster. Now I looked like a newbee tool AND a weakling. So as I was making a second attempt to lift the bike, a buff lady jumped out of her jeep ,reached over and pulled it straight up. Thanks....but AAARRRGGGG !!! I wanted to crawl under the pump at this point. I felt sooooo embarassed. I have no doubt,the lady just wanted to "show her stuff" and was not meaning to belittle me further. Any way,..sometimes is good to get a little humuliation, it helps to keep the "pride Level " in check.
Re: droped my bike

Nothings worse than dropping your bike, especially in front of an audience! Sucks. Damage??
Re: droped my bike

Nothings worse than dropping your bike, especially in front of an audience! Sucks. Damage??

Wellllll..... There might be one thing worse then dropping your bike in front of an audience. Having your 600lb Vmax man handled by some chick because you can't pick it up yourself, MIGHT, be worse. I can't be sure, but its gotta be close! :rofl_200:
Re: droped my bike

I pulled into the garage a few years back, put the stand down on my Low Rider but obviously not all the way. I let go of the bars and plop. I broke a brace for my work shelves with my back, it was a 2x4. My left ankle was pinned under the durby cover. My wife came running when she heard all of this. She was frantic, screaming "What Do I Do". My response, "Get This Damn Thing Offa Me". She's a resonable sized lady 5' 7 1/2" and 145 lbs. She grabbed the sissy bar and stood all 600 lbs up straight. Then she said, "Howd I do that".:biglaugh:

We all have our moments, I'm sure mine aren't over yet.
Re: droped my bike

This is by no means a class on "how too" but if you pick up your bike while facing away from it, its a hell of a lot easier.

Glad the only thing hurt was your pride. A quick twist of the boost will heal that up.
Re: droped my bike

Ain't that a bitch. Don't sweat it man. Chalk it up to a little humbling and bad day. More good days are in the future for you.

Re: droped my bike

Sorry for your loss, of pride that is :biglaugh:

Right there with you though. I was coming up to a stop sign getting off the freeway and there was a car in front of me. I was looking at oncoming and crossing traffic waiting for the car in front to pull forward, what I didnt see in front of me that was under the car was one of those plastic For Sale signs. I pull up and put on the brakes, guess what my front tire was on, yep the sign. Slicker than snot my front tire decides it doesnt want to play any more and the bike drops out from under me.
This happened just about a month ago. Didnt hurt anything except my pride, everyone at the intersection saw it. Had to hit the kill switch real quick bike was still trying to run.

At least I got mine up on my own though :punk:
Re: droped my bike

Thanks, that's exactly what I was talking about. Way easier than facing the bike and blowing out your back.
I'll drink to that! Luckily I have never had to pick mine up, yet! I did have to catch it once fully loaded for a 3 day trip but I caught it before it got too far and popped it right back up.
Another ginger ale please!
Re: droped my bike

But how'd you do this when the bike's lying on its side-stand side? Nothing to catch it when you get it straight up..

I had to pick mine up when I dropped it in the wet grass stopping to take a pic (no-one watching!) and it sure wasn't easy. But for sure, it's 100% leg work, not your back!
Re: droped my bike

I stoped at the gas station on my last ride.
Now,..2 things come into play here....#1 when I pulled up to the gas pump, I didnt pull far enough ahead. "I am use to putting gas in the front of the bike,not the rear"
#2 Vmax does NOT have a locking kick stand like my previous harley. So when I nuged the bike forward....well,..plop on the ground. And yea everone WAS watching. I felt like a newbee tool !!
I also learned very quickly that this bike weighed cosideratley more than my sportster. Now I looked like a newbee tool AND a weakling. So as I was making a second attempt to lift the bike, a buff lady jumped out of her jeep ,reached over and pulled it straight up. Thanks....but AAARRRGGGG !!! I wanted to crawl under the pump at this point. I felt sooooo embarassed. I have no doubt,the lady just wanted to "show her stuff" and was not meaning to belittle me further. Any way,..sometimes is good to get a little humuliation, it helps to keep the "pride Level " in check.
So, the chick with the Jeep....Did you get her number?????!!! She wouldn't have helped you if she didn't dig you. Food for thought what with just dumping your ride and all.
Re: droped my bike

Oh and dont feel bad. Stupid me two vmax's ago with my 95, told my wife to roll it out of the garage only to watch it fall over on a cinder block to damage my faux tank. Not going to try that one again! We all learn over time!
Re: droped my bike

Don't feel like you are alone here by any means! Here is my tale of woe from a situation VERY similar to yours.........

Got gas on my way home from work one day. As I was paying I looked out just in time to see Toxic roll forward and off the kickstand to land on its left side. Of course I run out with my heart in my throat to pick up my baby. This is where is gets funny. I pick up Toxic and just as I get it vertical it begins to roll forward. Reaching up to grab the front brake I apparently pushed too hard and guess what, Toxic now goes PAST vertical and I roll her over onto her RIGHT side!!!!!:bang head: Now instead of just a busted clutch lever and a broken bar end mirror, I also have a crushed exhaust can AND a hole in my pride you could drive a truck through!!

Shit happens, we fix the damage, and we move onward:biglaugh:
Re: droped my bike

Don't feel like you are alone here by any means! Here is my tale of woe from a situation VERY similar to yours.........

Got gas on my way home from work one day. As I was paying I looked out just in time to see Toxic roll forward and off the kickstand to land on its left side. Of course I run out with my heart in my throat to pick up my baby. This is where is gets funny. I pick up Toxic and just as I get it vertical it begins to roll forward. Reaching up to grab the front brake I apparently pushed too hard and guess what, Toxic now goes PAST vertical and I roll her over onto her RIGHT side!!!!!:bang head: Now instead of just a busted clutch lever and a broken bar end mirror, I also have a crushed exhaust can AND a hole in my pride you could drive a truck through!!

Shit happens, we fix the damage, and we move onward:biglaugh:

OMG thats funny.Not once but twice! You made my day. Had a 750 water buffalo "water cooled suzi" ..and I actually went "with it" to the right side lol. My legs were pointing upwards and did a face plant beside it . :rofl_200:Thanks guys for all the excellent posts.
Re: droped my bike

So, the chick with the Jeep....Did you get her number?????!!! She wouldn't have helped you if she didn't dig you. Food for thought what with just dumping your ride and all.

Ya know,..that never even ocured to me lol.