Dumb ass street racing....

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2006
Reaction score
Romeo, Michigan

I like watching outlaw streetracers on tv. I know its fake and scripted, but its still fun to watch to a certain degree. Maybe because I remember it and can relate.

But I saw this video of the Murder Nova and krazykelly and thought to myself, mid day, cars driving AT YOU, and your going to setup a run ? Your going to wave people by, and I am sure they are saying " Come on just roll through". Well hell you got to super pro cars lined up doing massive burnouts, and some normal joe average driver goes by and is in shock at what your doing.... anyways.

Seriously you dumb *****?
lol just to let you know I actually know Krazy Kelly. He is from my home track and has a bunch of bad ass cars. He took it to the Murder Nova in another Video. He street races all over the USA for BIG money. He would run your turbo Busa you had for big money and you would lose. 5000+ cash races. He is kind of a ass but I know his cars well. I have raced with his bunch for years. On another note i find very hypocritical of you after reading your post about challenging any body then talking **** about these guys. I enjoy your post so don't get me wrong have seen you break the law many times on video. Not trying to start with you but people who live in glass houses should not throw stones ;). BTW he drives that car on the street I linked a video of their race
Right but what you didn't pull from my post.....is I dont launch a 8 second car on a 35 mph side street at on coming cars.

When I do stupid **** its in a safe place that wontn harm anyone but myself if things dont go right.

And I am not sure where I challenged anyone to a street race, unless you mean trying to get guys to make it to the track for some safe legal fun.

I dont take any offense to anything you said. But just want to clarify I never have launched a serious machine into oncoming traffic.

lol if those guys run 8's its because they broke or let off...My point is nobody got hurt? I have seen you doing 140 mph on public roads? I have done all the above myself so I am not trying to seem like I am taking the high road. I agree it may not be the safest, but I have probably run at least a couple hundred illegal street races myself so who am I to judge. Most likely will do it again..lol
Yeah but without knowing where I live, I live in wide open country areas. I can run down a stretch of road for 5-8 miles without a single house in sight pretty easy. So for me to open it up on a empty deserted road is alot different that lining up on a city side street with cars driving down it LOL. Thats is what I guess caught me.

And I ve street raced 100 years ago, but we still found secluded roads where no one was driving straight at us.

I guess thats my point more than the legal stand point, it was the safety stand point.

I guess everybody justifies there own actions in there own ways. I cant tell from the Video where they are and I saw one car come down the road that's why Kelly didn't run the race he just zipped down the road. Maybe its just different because I know him? Pot calling the kettle black..lol take it easy.
Again dont worry I am not taking any offense to anything at all. Running high speeds on the street isn't smart and I am not going to lie that do or don't do it. I am just saying be safe when you do it, no one wants to see anyone get hurt doing it regardless or when what where or how, regardless of its the racer or the bystander.
