Dumb &^*^(^& things you've done

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Aug 5, 2006
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Bedford, TX
Add this to my list.

Got the bike all cleaned up, waxed, checked over and ready to go after the weekend's riding.

I changed the oil a couple of weeks ago, and filled her up with fresh Mobil 1. I don't like to overfill, so when I was done it was just barely over the 'add' mark, and I thought I would let it settle out before I topped her off a bit later. Today, I thought I would top it off.

I grabbed my partial quart of Mobil 1 off the shelf and topped it off, then wheeled the bike back to its spot in the garage. A while later, knowing something wasn't right, I went back to the garage and looked closer at what I had added.

Without thinking, I added some 5W20 auto Mobile 1 (a third of a qt or so) to the BKing. (^&**(&(*& :bang head: Lawn mower oil in the bike.

Damn. Changing oil again. Dolt.
I'd of probably left it alone. Why do you use 5W20 in your lawn mower? Is it water cooled? Most air cooled mowers want 10W30.

I'd be afraid of running that thin of an oil in an air cooled engine. JMO though.

I would of not of even bothered with it. You would never have known the difference.

Yeah, I know. On a percentage basis, it wasn't much. But, it's the curse of being anal. I would have known it wasn't right. I'd have rather spent the money on Hooters wings. :biglaugh: I was casual enough to leave the 'old' filter on, since I hadn't started it since I topped it off.

Chris, my 10-year old John Deere push mower won't know the difference, I don't think. I've had the 5W20 on the shelf for a long time. I don't remember when I even got it. I just wanted to get rid of it.
Yeah 5W20 is for the newer cars looking for increased fuel mileage. My Ford Escape and Honda 3.5L in my Vue Redline both took it.

I always ran 10W30 in my Deere and still do in my Honda.
Re: Dumb &^*^(^& things you've done

This is a funny story along the same lines...

My best friends girlfriends mother (easy to follow read it slow :p) came to my house to ask me about her van. It was "acting real funny" and a light had been on for a LONG time. It was her oil light.

I popped the dip stick and it was bone dry.

I asked her : "when did you last changed the oil?"

Her : "Changed what? The oil? Never?"

Me: "How long have you owned the van??"

Her "Over a year?"

Me: "Did you have it maintained at all??"

Her: "No. That's boy stuff!"

I think she must have had a single drop of oil left in that thing.
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lol at the above oil story.

Well mine was last week. Only had the max a couple weeks and since I just moved from a house to an apartment I chain the bike up to my front door pillar and cover it - out the way no one would even see it etc. So anyway I leave for work at about 5.30am every morning. Was running late one morning, took the cover off, choke on, drove away - with the pillar! Dumb ass, didn't do anything to the max but ripped the pillar down, got it back up now but lesson learned!!!
Hmm dumb **** I've done...

There was Dawn, Kaylynn, and Veronica..UGH! I need to go back in time and kick my own ass.:bang head: