Hi! A quick update on this topic. After having had some issues which turned out to be a bad starter clutch, I finally have the bike running well again.
Last year, I had the Speeduino controller under the front left air scoop and the O2 sensor in the exhaust. This meant I sometimes lost Wifi signal to the tuning program running on the laptop in my backpack stopping autotune. Also, the O2 signal had too much latency since it was too far away from the cylinders. Now, the Speeduino is positioned under the saddle and the O2 is on the rear right downpipe. This means the Speeduino is closer to the laptop I carry on my back when automatically tuning the fuel table and the O2 response is more direct.
Tonight, I took the bike out with the TunderStudio on my laptop and autotune enabled and just started driving. Since I have the 3d printed manifolds, the amount of air has changed so therefore a tune was needed. Whenever I felt the tune was not right (feeling a dip in power) I held the throttle at that place for a couple of seconds until that cell had the right fuel load and it would run fine. So after a 1 hour drive, this is the result:
Blue means more fuel, red means less fuel. The weighting on the right shows how many times that cell was hit, the cell change shows by how much the cell was changes.
For more info on autotune, watch this video:
I have to say it`s quite nice driving with a bike that just keeps running better and better

. I`ll keep doing this for a couple of times more until the cell changes are close to zero. Then I need to check some details like quick load changes (going from throttle closed to WOT immediately) to see if I can get those as smooth as possible. Fun stuff!
Will update this topic as always.