I took mine for a short ride today(got up to a balmy 50*...w00t) to try out both the vacuum mod, and my Morley seat that came in.
Well the seat is phenomenal, but everyone here already knows that so I won't bore you with details.
As for the motor....idle speed was unchanged. Was rock steady at 1000rpm even once the motor got up to temp from riding. No "meandering" or up-n-down idle speed. It idles maybe a tad smoother than before, but tough to make a call. I haven't sync'ed my carbs since mid-summer either(the tool is at my seasonal workplace).
What I did notice a difference in was that the low-end was noticeably stronger. Lugging it around at like 2-3000rpm definitely had more grunt to it, with less of that "shudder" from too-much-load-too-few-rpm. Overall low-range operation seemed smoother and more powerful.
Once up to speed(I was only on the highway for a few min), it seemed pretty much the same. I didn't notice my bike's annoying misfire/lag, but it could have just been on a "good" day, need more ride time to make a call on that.
Once v-boost hits and beyond I noticed no difference from normal.
So I'd vote it in as a worthwhile mod. It's cheap, quick, easy, and 100% reversible. I noticed a stronger and smoother low-to-mid range, for less than $2.
You need:
About 2' of 3/16" tubing( was like $0.19/ft at tractor supply). You'll have some left over.
One 3/16" "T" fitting(was like $1.50, go figure)
A philips screwdriver(to remove H covers)
Pliers(to remove clamps from stock port covers)