Even liberals agree . . .

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If I had my way - Eric Holder would get his own library....right alongside his buddy Obummer........................................

2-3 hours per week that is, and this one should do nicely. United States Penitentiary, Allenwood, MD. The other 167-168 hours per week should be spent in solitary confinement!
I believe there's a rime or reason for his resignation,,,,,,we will just have to wait and see.
JMHO but....

Holders resignation is related to 2 things.
1) When the democrats loose the senate, there will be a real push to force the DOJ to come clean with the tens of thousands of documents they are currently withholding. Additional probes into the DOJ actions under Holder would result in yet another cataclysmic failure in an administration that seems to have bought cataclysmic failures in a Sams Club size container. Getting him out and somebody else in allows him to play the "I don't remember" / "What possible difference does it make" card when called to testify before congress again. The new AG can claim ignorance as "all of this did not happen on my watch..." and round and round we go....

2) Now the only way the administration will be able to get another partasin/racist/dishonest/piece of **** Attorney General appointed will be through the use of the "Nuclear Option" that Harry Reid invoked this session. With just a simple majority they can approve the next AG with zero Republican votes.

Both the administration and the Democratic party can see the writing on the wall. Their time is coming to an end and beyond November they will be taken to task over the abysmal failure the last 6 years has been. They are trying to clean house, bury/destroy documents and/or evidence, and do everything they can to make it impossible to track and investigate the myrad of scandals and illegal dealings they have had.....so business as usual with a slight air of expediency thrown in.
The democrats will not lose the Senate and they will Gain the House. The Electronic Voting System is now under the control of George Soros and we will continue this madness until we overthrow the government. There's only one way to do that and it ain't guns. We wouldn't stand a chance.

Everyone in American who still has a job has got to quit that job on the same day and not come back until the military has taken over and gotten rid of all the liberals.

Eric Holder, by the way, if you will look at him carefully, is an arab. He did his job well. He kept things focused in such a way that people believed Obama was African American, which he is not.

A bounty on the head of George Zimmerman and the DOJ does nothing? Tell me I'm wrong.

The government will go broke.
The democrats will not lose the Senate and they will Gain the House. The Electronic Voting System is now under the control of George Soros and we will continue this madness until we overthrow the government. There's only one way to do that and it ain't guns. We wouldn't stand a chance.

Everyone in American who still has a job has got to quit that job on the same day and not come back until the military has taken over and gotten rid of all the liberals.

Eric Holder, by the way, if you will look at him carefully, is an arab. He did his job well. He kept things focused in such a way that people believed Obama was African American, which he is not.

A bounty on the head of George Zimmerman and the DOJ does nothing? Tell me I'm wrong.

The government will go broke.
I will agree with we are in big trouble. I don't agree with everything but most of it. And I will stand by my guns !
I'll start by saying I never cared for Eric Holder....won't get it to why the reasons are numerous....

But quite frankly there is a lot of crap being read into his reasons or the why or the timing of his resignation.

Attorney general turnover is quite high, research it yourself. Holder held the job for a quite lengthy period of time in relationship to most other AG's....when it's time it's time.....

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