A can of wasp spray lets you hose them from 20 feet away. Gives you a good running start!
battling a nest of yellow jackets right now, may need pro help.
A can of wasp spray lets you hose them from 20 feet away. Gives you a good running start!
You think w
Wasps suck?
Google "European Hornet".
You think wasps suck?
Google "European Hornet".
Ok. I did. Wikipedia makes them sound like harmless rolly polly's - til you step on one, or go to breathing on it within 20" of the nest. :ummm:
My vote for most ferocious goes out the yellow jackets. I ran over a nest a couple years back with the bush hog. Never did see but a glimpse of the bastids, yet ended up with over 20 hits in seconds. With both my arms flailing and me hopping around on the tractor seat, I managed to run over both my sunglasses and a good leather glove during my retreat. It was a miracle I didn't fall off and run over myself. I went back after dark, armed with a flashlight and a can of gasoline, but never saw hide nor hair of them or their nest.
That is some bad stuff, anything it gets on will be dead, including shrubs, plants, grass etc. Some folks are using it for protection against burglars as well. Get shot in the eyes or face and you will be blind and deformed that for sure. :stickyman:
I had the same damn thing happen!! Stepped on the nest while carrying a large block of ash....they hit me from all angles and I never saw a one!! Went after them with a jar of gasoline after dark, but couldn'r find them!
They are extremely mean, and move like lightning!!
Where's the fun in that?
If you're really tuff, you can walk up and tap the nest with a baseball bat. Then start swinging. :biglaugh:
I actually did tap on a small hornets' nest with a pair of hedge clippers one time to prove to my wife there weren't any hornets living there any more. Darn nest had been there, unchanged, for over three years. After about the fourth hard tap, the buzzing began! She and I ran fast enough to escape their wrath, but the cat standing nearby, took about 8-10 hits before realizing what all our running had been for.