Well-Known Member
Hey guys I have had several of you send me emails , IM's , and text . I am sorry I have not gotten back to you in a timely manner as I usually do. I have been just been swamped with honey dos since I have been home plus trying to get my eye worked on, plus getting ready for a big huge family Christmas party here at the house on the Sunday after Christmas. Well then recently messing up my back when moving a venture engine into a shed with a friend oh and it is for sale 1200 with only 1,800 miles on it, guy wrecked it and it sat in his garage for 30 years or how ever many, just can't let it go bye bye to the garbage. So now i am all stoved up for the last 4 or so days , pain killers , heating pad etc. Anyways I am expecting things to be much better next week when I can get my garage back to normal , that is where the big family party takes place this year. So I am not trying to make excuses just telling you what has been going on. Honestly I haven't even unpacked my trailer that has all of my stuff in it from when I came back from Arizona . Been in there since the end of sept . Pretty sad I know, not looking for a pitty party just looking for more sunlight during the day.