favorite tattoo?

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I have had these for quite a while. My newest one is the chest piece that I started in 05. Maybe I'll get it finished sometime.

The pinups are killer, workin on some now. I'd have the wife take some pics but she'd probably throw the camera at me. Ya gotta have a flamin 8 here's mine.


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Hehe, see...they do have perks. Your work is slick. I really dig traditional work. It's not faddish and will never go away. :punk:

Thank You! Still workin on it... the theme is The Ruin of Man. And I can relate to all of it, consider myself a survivor. Had a female artist do a good part of it. She talked me into color and lots of it. I'm headed for another session in a couple of weeks gonna tone down the color thing and add more content. It just never seems to end.
Thank You! Still workin on it... the theme is The Ruin of Man. And I can relate to all of it, consider myself a survivor. Had a female artist do a good part of it. She talked me into color and lots of it. I'm headed for another session in a couple of weeks gonna tone down the color thing and add more content. It just never seems to end.

What are you going to use as filler, any ideas yet? The Man's Ruin theme is cool and most guys can relate to it. If I was going with that I would have had a pin up of my ex wife and ex mother in law turning into vampires :clapping:. I'm like you as far as having one person stick with most of the work. When they have a sense of ownership and you let them have the freedom to put their own personal touch on the work they seem to do a better job. Also if you don't talk money that has also been a plus with my experience. It's like going into a casino. Just expect to drop x amount of coin down and let them do they're magic. The difference is at least you will be leaving with something you will have forever(unless your a card shark like NOXX). The money you save on cheap work is temporary but a horrible looking tattoo last's forever. Besides, if they are professionals and want to keep your business they won't rip you off (especially if your a regular).
What are you going to use as filler, any ideas yet? The Man's Ruin theme is cool and most guys can relate to it. If I was going with that I would have had a pin up of my ex wife and ex mother in law turning into vampires :clapping:. I'm like you as far as having one person stick with most of the work. When they have a sense of ownership and you let them have the freedom to put their own personal touch on the work they seem to do a better job. Also if you don't talk money that has also been a plus with my experience. It's like going into a casino. Just expect to drop x amount of coin down and let them do they're magic. The difference is at least you will be leaving with something you will have forever(unless your a card shark like NOXX). The money you save on cheap work is temporary but a horrible looking tattoo last's forever. Besides, if they are professionals and want to keep your business they won't rip you off (especially if your a regular).

The filler if you look close, is just a representation of heat. I didn't want to over do the flames. Not yet dark enough. I don't think my female artist gives a rat's ass about money. She just likes to hurt men, her name is Gypsey. She does me good especially on the fill color.
The filler if you look close, is just a representation of heat. I didn't want to over do the flames. Not yet dark enough. I don't think my female artist gives a rat's ass about money. She just likes to hurt men, her name is Gypsey. She does me good especially on the fill color.

Ahhh yes, I see it now. I was to busy studying the 8 Ball work. Well if she like's to inflict pain and does it for cheap, that's my kind of gal:rofl_200:. Anyway, take it easy and good luck with it.
probably gonna piss some people off, i am not putting you down, to each their own, but why do you guys do this to your bodies, it's for life, what happened to people knowing by your character.
Prophetic words no doubt! LOL, he should have just had some ink done, it might of helped his character!:bang head:

Yeah, probably not!:rofl_200:
LOL, he should have just had some ink done, it might of helped his character!:bang head:

Yeah, probably not!:rofl_200:

i forgot about 190 until i read thru this thread. how about he bashes them then asks if he should get one.

weird ****.
Two full sleeves, Marine Corps wont let me get anymore you can see in shorts and a t-shirt so I guess I'll be starting on my back soon.
freshened this up last friday !


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My daughters prints from birth. I have another one coming any day so I'll be heading back for hers as well.

I have really been wanting another tattoo. I've always wanted a dragon. But who knows when I'll get it.

One thing I know I'll be doing in the future is to let the girls write their own name below their prints ,when they get a little older, and I'll go get that done just the way they wrote it. Little keepsakes I'll carry for life.

My grandparents were a little thrown back when I told them I got a tattoo...until I showed them. I think maybe they might look at them a little differently now. Maybe it gave them some understanding that people get them because they love them and want to have them forever. More people should understand that.


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My daughters prints from birth. I have another one coming any day so I'll be heading back for hers as well.

I have really been wanting another tattoo. I've always wanted a dragon. But who knows when I'll get it.

One thing I know I'll be doing in the future is to let the girls write their own name below their prints ,when they get a little older, and I'll go get that done just the way they wrote it. Little keepsakes I'll carry for life.

My grandparents were a little thrown back when I told them I got a tattoo...until I showed them. I think maybe they might look at them a little differently now. Maybe it gave them some understanding that people get them because they love them and want to have them forever. More people should understand that.

That's COOL!!!!!:worthy:

Great idea.......very personal......:clapping:
That's COOL!!!!!:worthy:

Great idea.......very personal......:clapping:

Thanks man. But unfortunately I cant say it was my own idea, I stole it from my favorite drummer Mike Portnoy. I had read a bio about him a long time ago and he had done them on his calves I think and ever since then I said when I have kids I'm getting their prints.
Thought about it a while back, but decided against it...just couldn't find any solid reason to get one. I'd thought about the vmax engine "profile", but then realized I could buy a t-shirt with that on it for $20 and be able to take it off at night. Do I love my Max? Sure, but it's not something that I want to become part of me. It is after all just a machine, not a lifetime commitment(though now I can't see myself on any less of a bike so who knows). What really "broke" the deal for me was when I thought about myself as an old man with these tattoos that I thought looked really cool, or were really important then, but now are totally irrelevant to anything. That just didn't jive with me. Things important to me live on in memory and in some cases photos or digital files. I don't need a tattoo to remember those events or remind me of their significance.

No offense to anyone, tattoo's just aren't for me. I don't see a need or reason. Plus I've known several people who went from loving their tattoo to hating it within a few months. The "coolness" of that flaming dragon wore off pretty fast, and now they want it removed, until they find out how much that costs and what it entails. So now they're stuck with it, regretting it every time they take their shirt off or look in a mirror. I've learned from their mistakes- no thanks, not for me.

For those who like their tattoos, great. All the best to you. I have zero problem with people who have them, it's none of my business nor do I care what you choose to do to your body. Just sets off my "bad idea-you'll regret this" and "this wont end well" radar, kinda like when I jumped a minibike off a highway embankment, falling a good 20' since the hill was dropping faster than I could fall. In retrospect it's pretty amazing I didn't get seriously hurt, but I also pay more attention to that "bad idea" radar now.