Well-Known Member
Where are the store owners with their firearms protecting their property?
I find it sickening that the business owners feel threatened enough by the justice system that they would allow their stores, their business and their livleyhood to be ravaged by these animals without defending it.
We need more of the shop owners like they had in the Rodney King riots.
Start sending these animals on to their maker with a hail of 5.56 and you will see how the looting will drop off...right quick.
I find it sickening that the business owners feel threatened enough by the justice system that they would allow their stores, their business and their livleyhood to be ravaged by these animals without defending it.
We need more of the shop owners like they had in the Rodney King riots.

Start sending these animals on to their maker with a hail of 5.56 and you will see how the looting will drop off...right quick.