First ride of season, almost my last..

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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2009
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Hello all.

Just thought I'd share my story. I would appreciate it if this one doesn't make it back to my lady friend. She is very sensitive to the topic.

Today I took the Vmax out for the first ride of the season. The temperature was perfect (warmest I've rode in yet :) 15 degrees C!

All was good. Bike was in order, responding well. Marvelous I thought to myself. Great day for a ride!

I am driving on a straight and hilly road. I can see for miles. Literally. The road does, however, have it's dips. These dips can obscure an approaching vehicle for a few seconds.

I end up behind a young kid in his Honda civic. He is traveling about 10kms per hour under the speed limit. I could see I had opportunity to pass, so I set up to do so. At this point he sped up. I could see him and his friend looking in their mirrors at me. I can only assume they were playing some sort of game.

My time to pass ran out (as the hills can obscure a car just long enough to put it in your face as you attempt a pass).

This made me angry. The young kids were now traveling 40kmph OVER the posted speed limit. Still looking at me in their mirrors.
They proceeded to slow down again. Now I was just angry.

I passed them when I had a good opportunity.

After passing, I soon approached yet another honda civic, with the other still in my rear view mirror. This one being driven by grandma.

I decided I did not want to have them behind me while I am stuck behind grandma.

I was approaching a hilly section, and I looked briefly. I saw no one.
I dropped a gear and twisted the throttle to pass yet again.

Just as I got into the oncoming traffic lane, I saw two head lights crest the hill. The lanes had enough room for the two vehicles traveling. There was no room for me. I had just enough time to brake and get back behind grandma.

The moral of this story? I am not mad at the idiots in the Civic. I am not mad at Grandma and her slow driving.

I am mad at me for allowing myself to get drawn into it. I almost made a bonehead pass and ended my own life and possibly someone else.

Needless to say the rest of the ride home, I was a little more subdued.

Ride safe brothers!
Hello all.

Just thought I'd share my story. I would appreciate it if this one doesn't make it back to my lady friend. She is very sensitive to the topic.

Today I took the Vmax out for the first ride of the season. The temperature was perfect (warmest I've rode in yet :) 15 degrees C!

All was good. Bike was in order, responding well. Marvelous I thought to myself. Great day for a ride!

I am driving on a straight and hilly road. I can see for miles. Literally. The road does, however, have it's dips. These dips can obscure an approaching vehicle for a few seconds.

I end up behind a young kid in his Honda civic. He is traveling about 10kms per hour under the speed limit. I could see I had opportunity to pass, so I set up to do so. At this point he sped up. I could see him and his friend looking in their mirrors at me. I can only assume they were playing some sort of game.

My time to pass ran out (as the hills can obscure a car just long enough to put it in your face as you attempt a pass).

This made me angry. The young kids were now traveling 40kmph OVER the posted speed limit. Still looking at me in their mirrors.
They proceeded to slow down again. Now I was just angry.

I passed them when I had a good opportunity.

After passing, I soon approached yet another honda civic, with the other still in my rear view mirror. This one being driven by grandma.

I decided I did not want to have them behind me while I am stuck behind grandma.

I was approaching a hilly section, and I looked briefly. I saw no one.
I dropped a gear and twisted the throttle to pass yet again.

Just as I got into the oncoming traffic lane, I saw two lights crest the hill.The lanes had enough room for the two vehicles traveling. There was no room for me. I had just enough time to brake and get back behind grandma.

The moral of this story? I am not mad at the idiots in the Civic. I am not mad at Grandma and her slow driving.

I am mad at me for allowing myself to get drawn into it. I almost made a bonehead pass and ended my own life and possibly someone else.

Needless to say the rest of the ride home, I was a little more subdued.

Drive safe brothers!

i agree you should never make those types of passes but even more upset at ******** ******* with you. no reason for it. at least get on a deserted 4 lane highway if they want to race.
Good lesson here......Thanks for sharing.......Glad it worked out:clapping:
Out here in California F****** with a guy on a bike (first Civic) is a one way ticket to having the biker break your mirror off as he goes by to teach you a lesson. Not only is it COMMON place but Ive seen many riders take off a mirror because an idiot driver cut off a completely different rider.The traffic out here is brutal and the riders dont play...AT ALL with idiot motorists.I just remembered why I love it here.
A lesson for all of us! Sometimes being pissed off can cloud our best judgement. Luckly your head cleared and you were able to brake and get behind grandma, instead of keeping it gassed.
Glad you are here to post that Ghost, it's a good reminder for all of us to TRY and not let the ******** get to us!

I know it's really hard not to just twist it on and rocket by them, maybe even flippin' them off on the way, but then they are BEHIND you and that's not good! Now your choices are limited to having to outrun them to get them off your ass and conditions may not allow can get ugly fast.....right Tugla!!

Like I said, I'm prolly the worst person to be lecturing but you will be much safer keeping the ******** in front of you where you can keep an eye on them. :punk:
DAMN Bro that sounds waaaaayyyyy too close for comfort! Have had a couple of close calls from situations very similar to that, but it is usually the arsehole behind me coming up and almost rear ending me because he wants to play games. Took a side mirror off a Civic once just for that reason. Thank God for Icon Timax gloves:punk:
Definitely be careful out there. A friend of mine in BC just emailed me that he just got out of the hospital after some ******** turned left in front of him ( where no left turns were allowed! :damn angry:). My friend hit him going about 80 kph. One of his wrists got crushed, broken ribs and collar bone, some major injuries to his legs. He was on his new Beemer, with less than 100 km on it and it is written off. I've attached a picture of it. Now insurance is trying to screw him over as they want to pay him 5 to 6 THOUSAND LESS than what he just bought the bike for!


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Definitely be careful out there. A friend of mine in BC just emailed me that he just got out of the hospital after some ******** turned left in front of him ( where no left turns were allowed! :damn angry:). My friend hit him going about 80 kph. One of his wrists got crushed, broken ribs and collar bone, some major injuries to his legs. He was on his new Beemer, with less than 100 km on it and it is written off. I've attached a picture of it. Now insurance is trying to screw him over as they want to pay him 5 to 6 THOUSAND LESS than what he just bought the bike for!

Oh man, that's an ugly picture Buster!!! Sounds like your friend is in for a rough recovery, I sincerely hope it goes as good as possible for him!
Glad you are here to post that Ghost, it's a good reminder for all of us to TRY and not let the ******** get to us!

I know it's really hard not to just twist it on and rocket by them, maybe even flippin' them off on the way, but then they are BEHIND you and that's not good! Now your choices are limited to having to outrun them to get them off your ass and conditions may not allow can get ugly fast.....right Tugla!!

Like I said, I'm prolly the worst person to be lecturing but you will be much safer keeping the ******** in front of you where you can keep an eye on them. :punk:
dan your totally right, reading ghost's story brought back all those memorize of the hero in that explorer. hind sight should have hung out behind him like you did, didnt think he was still going to try and pass 10 bikes going 65-70 mph, guess you never know ey!
Rob, good to hear you're around to tell your story. It's a good reminder for us all.

I just completed my first 40 mile ride of the season. Lots of sand out there so easy on the corners. Even though winter seemed short this year (although I know it's not over), how quick I forgot the feeling of all that power between my legs outside of the bedroom!:biglaugh: Pull up beside some shmuk in an suv going 130, look over, point, laugh twist the wrist and gone. Oh it's going to be a good riding season.
Glad to hear you survived , but did you really have difficulty passing two ****-sticks in a Civic? I mean come on, a Vmax vs a Civic? You could pass them with two plug wires behind your back. You'd be by them and gone before then even had a chance to realize what happened. I've passed a Civic(and a Prius) on my minibike powered by a 10hp snowblower engine. Tsk-tsk.

Just messin with ya bud....nobody likes getting stuck in situations like that. I've gotten "riled up" myself from people trying to mess with me...had a similar "oh ****" moment from doing something stupid, and now I just remember to "be the bigger man" and walk away. Showing up some douche in a pos isn't worth your life.