I let the bike sit too long, and when I went to start it, it tried and tried, but wouldn't. All 4 plugs were carbon fouled. I replaced the plugs and then fuel filter, and turned it on. It wouldn't start. I couldn't see fuel being pulled through the filter, so I ordered a new pump from Partzilla. It still won't start. I found a cracked fuel line (the curved one to the filter) and replaced it. Still nothing. The new plugs are completely dry. I pulled off the fuel line that goes into the tank right in front of the rubber housing for the fuel cap, and blew/sucked on it. Nothing. I'm getting the clicking noise as I should. I actually left the fuel lines off the pump and tried to start it. I couldn't feel suction from either port. Am I supposed to? If there's a fuse to check, where is it? The ones by the pump are good. I also noticed the coils are cracked the length of them, but I am getting a strong spark still. I'll replace them once I get it running.
There is a lack of decent shops around here, so I'm stuck with figuring it out myself. Of course, the learning experience will be worth it. I attached pics of the coils. I haven't checked the price, but I'm sure they're not cheap.
There is a lack of decent shops around here, so I'm stuck with figuring it out myself. Of course, the learning experience will be worth it. I attached pics of the coils. I haven't checked the price, but I'm sure they're not cheap.