Miles Long
Well-Known Member
Received test kit from sean morley plus fuel lets break it down.
I havnt been able to get my vmax to run and have been trouble shooting what i can without the kit, last week i decided to bypass the fuel pump and just have fuel enter carbs via gravity, bike ran great! so hazaa!!! its the fuel pump...
Well here i am working fuel pump, i see it pump fuel to carbs via the glass fuel filter but the bike will not start...doing what it did before...but what i notice and i should have mentioned i can hear a low rumble from the exhaust...but only while the start button is starter = rumble exhaust...thats why it keeps sending fuel to carbs i think..because im actually using the fuel ...just not running by what will keep the engine firing after i stop pressing the starter?
Could this be a CDI issue?
Thanks everyone for all the help!
If the bike started and ran well, while it was being gravity fed it's fuel, the ignition system must be working properly, as well as the carburation system.
- when you "bypassed" the fuel pump, during the gravity feed, did you have the power to the pump disconnected? I'll assume that you did.
- if so, why not try unplugging the pump, hooking up your gravity feed system, starting the bike, letting it warm up a bit, then connect the pump. If the bike stalls, you have an electrical problem, maybe the fuel pump relay. The relay is tied into the ignitor(was a spare relay include with the test kit?)
Of course to try this, you will have to put the discharge line of the pump into a container, in case the bike(and pump) continues to run. Safety first!