Gen I on tv today

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Well-Known Member
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Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida
I was watching tv tonight and saw an ad for Hughes satellite TV & internet and one of the vignettes to demonstrate the utility of it was a guy in his garage who was working on his bike, and accessing internet content to do things to it. It was a Gen I! He said something along the lines of, "I keep my bike running better and now it's one of the fastest!" I guess he's looking up Morley's Muscle for parts and work to be done?

There's no-mistaking those scoops!
It's on YouTube here. The VMax is at 15 seconds in. Not much after that though.
Thanks, Buster. I'm tired of seeing scrawny-bearded 'hipsters' slouched-over some 1970's hack-job they 'bobbed,' destroying its value, as an example of 'cool,' when we all know a stock VMax has more charisma than a rave party warehouse, or the local "Four-bucks" coffeehouse, filled with 'hipsters.'
You have to love how it changed to another bike when he was riding it and what was he using a screw driver on? Prying off old spark plug caps? :rofl_200:
I think the guy was on VMF, reading a sticky on how to change spark plugs :eusa_dance:
That's cool to see, yep looks like vmax scoops