Getting Hot

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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Reaction score
Sydney Australia
Hi guys, I cant seem to find much on overheating in old threads so sorry if this has been discussed over and over.
Could someone please tell me the best way (on a buget)to keep the max temp needle under the halfway line?

Cheers :eusa_dance:
A lot of guys wire a switch in to over ride the fan which is pretty simple and cost effective. Another option is to buy a different fan relay that turns on at a lower temperature which is what I did. I like that I don't have to actually do anything. I got mine from vmax outlaw
Might not hurt to drain, flush, and replace your coolant if you have never done it. You can also remove and check or replace the thermostat while the system is empty.
Rather than try to obtain a temp relative to a position on your gauge (which may not be accurate) why not get a laser thermometer and find out if it's actually overheating.

Halfway up the temp gauge is fine, most max's run hotter than that under normal conditions.
Hi guys, I cant seem to find much on overheating in old threads so sorry if this has been discussed over and over.
Could someone please tell me the best way (on a buget)to keep the max temp needle under the halfway line?

Cheers :eusa_dance:
Also, if the gauge is working ok. There is a little black dot on the gauge, on 89's.Later models don't have the mark. Are you running above that dot?
i believe yamaha knew what they were doing in having the engine run the way they wanted it to, at whatever temp was right. if yours, when moving, is bouncing off the red thats not right but if its within the middle 'quarter' i'd say thats fine.

if you are in a really hot area and know you'll be stopped a lot then yea maybe an over ride switch might make sense.

my $0.02
The halfway line isn't the same position that the stat opens up. It's normal to be about 1/8" below the redline starting point when in slow traffic. You can do the manual switch or different sender to turn the fan on earlier if desired.

I used the Borg Warner switch....NAPA $30 I think...but was a while ago.
In traffic/stop & go.....runs a little over the black dot....runs under half cruzin.

I also just changed my coolant......I also noticed it ran a little cooler also previously about the needle width) with an aftermarket water wetter,,,,,I had used the walmart brand.
I hate "dummy" guages with no numbers on them....I added a "real" temperature gauge to mine.....runs from 70* up to 250*. I posted a thread in the "how to" section about it.

Stock fan comes on a touch above 220*. With the manual override on, the temp never pushes past 200*. Summer highway cruise is around 180, cooler weather can drop it to 150 or 160.

From what I could tell, 220* is just a touch below the red zone on the stock gauge.

A manual fan switch just shorts the two wires to the thermo switch together, it's extremely simple to wire one up. No need to buy the "kits" on ebay or anything.
Sorry just got back to the computer I will check for that black dot, I know these bikes are made to run hot but when its 35degrees and yor in traffic the old legs start to get pretty hot next to the the engine and I just want to keep it a bit cooler in the stopped traffic.
I will give it a flush and check the thermostat-will I need a gasket for that?
thanks again for all the replies:worthy:
Also, if the gauge is working ok. There is a little black dot on the gauge, on 89's.Later models don't have the mark. Are you running above that dot?

Yes Steve i checked and my bike does have the black dot, my needle goes about 4 mm above the black dot then the fan kicks in,.
Do you run an override switch?
Cheers. Jared