Goo in gas tank!?!?!?

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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2011
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Well i finally got the 85 fired up and running today.It ran fine for a while,so i cut it off and let it sit for a few hours.Well when i went back,it ran just as good,if not better untill it just died.A quick look at my see through fuel filter told me that either someone is making molasses and biscuits in my tank,or i didnt get the tank as clean as i thought.I took the filter off,and apart,and this stuff is almost like TAR....completelty clogged the filter.So i attempted to clean the tank once againg,cleaned the fuel filter,and now the only way it will run is with full choke.:bang head:..So i guess ill have to pull the carbs AGAIN,and clean them,but this time i want to remove the tank and clean it out AGGRESIVELY!!.So my question is,what is the best way to get the fuel tank out of a 1985 max?
Thanks man!!....I dont know what this stuff is inside my tank,but it seriously resembles tar.I guess after gas sits for fifteen years,can turn into alot of Mainly a HEADACHE!!
Someone posted a video of some awesome gas tank cleaner less than a week ago, if I can find it I will send a link to ya.
Isn't a new tank a bit > $200? And no, I am not talking of your local dealership, but a dealership off the internet where they do not charge full-retail.
Yea I'd say if you can get a fresh or reconditioned (lined with POR15 or similar) tank you'll prolly be better off than trying to clean yours. As it's an '85, not only it needs cleaning, but you'll also need to coat it inside as it's very likely to have some rust which will make you pull the carbs and your hair off quite a lot..
Cleaned the tank today with some stuff called "goof off"..funny name,but worked very,very well.After shaking it around in the tank for a few minutes,and a couple of rinses,the "goo" was GONE!!:eusa_dance: After that,i etched the tank with some muriatic? acid,and then lined it with tank sealer.All in all it cost me about $60.00 bucks,but the tank is clean,and drying as we speak.As far as the carbs go,one of the inlet filters on the carbs was clogged,and had to be dealt with,but other than that,they looked fine.Will let everyone know how this works out tomorrow,after the tank dries and i get some fresh fuel in it.
What kind of tank sealer did you use? Seems like a quick cure time. Just make sure you follow the directions and do not add fuel any sooner than they recommend. Not sure what you used, all are different.
Probably the Kreem 3 part kit. I have used it before with success, but I have heard stories of people using it only to have the stuff "flake" off and cause even more headaches!

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