Govt Declares term "illegal alien" improper...offers substitute

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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2013
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Denton TX
After much analysis (notice how that word starts with anal?) The federal government has decided that the term "illegal alien" is too demeaning and must not be used.

After all, it starts with the term "illegal" and that in itself implies something bad to most people...that can't be good. Then...the word "alien" it describes something that doesn't belong here...kinda like a bunch of space aliens that landed and started exterminating us so they could get our V-Maxes and other important stuff.

So the new term is:


This is MUCH BETTER. Everybody want's to vacation in beautiful Mexico with it's sparkling beaches and its grand and diverse foods and beverages.

I mean...WOW.

and Mexican National obviously imparts a sense of belonging to something important. Something larger than yourself. Thats a succsess trait in many studies. You can take pride in that! Plus it has the added benefit of implying that the Mexican National plans to return home...real soon.

So get with the program and stop using demeaning terms for people of other nationalities. If you will listen carefully, you wil discover that the liberal media is already ahead of you but even they can't move that fast so you can still be the first kid on your block to use the term.
Last month's Supreme Court decision in the landmark Arizona immigration case was groundbreaking for what it omitted: the words "illegal immigrants" and "illegal aliens," except when quoting other sources. The court's nonjudgmental language established a humanistic approach to our current restructuring of immigration policy.

When you label someone an "illegal alien" or "illegal immigrant" or just plain "illegal," you are effectively saying the individual, as opposed to the actions the person has taken, is unlawful. The terms imply the very existence of an unauthorized migrant in America is criminal.

LOL.....but you are here illegally....I just dont get people any more.
After reading that article, I must apologize for being shamefully behind the curve on this issue.
My, my, my, how times change. When I was little, I remember some of the kids at school calling them wetbacks, or some such. A friend of mine, who's family had relocated here from the San Bernardino, CA area called them "F'ing wetbacks". At the time, I couldn't fully understand why he, and his family, seemed so upset over what must have been merely some "Mexican Nationals" visiting California on their vacation.
I just don't get the liberals' take on the immigration issue. There are only two choices: legal or illegal. If you are not here legally, you must be here illegally. What about that is so hard to understand?
Something else that I find funny.

At a time when the Supreme Court and many politicians seek to bring American law in line with foreign legal norms, it’s noteworthy that nobody has argued that the U.S. look at how Mexico deals with immigration and what it might teach us about how best to solve
our illegal immigration problem. Mexico has a single, streamlined law that ensures that foreign visitors and immigrants are:

in the country legally;
have the means to sustain themselves economically;
not destined to be burdens on society;
of economic and social benefit to society;
of good character and have no criminal records; and
contributors to the general well-being of the nation.
The law also ensures that:

immigration authorities have a record of each foreign visitor;
foreign visitors do not violate their visa status;
foreign visitors are banned from interfering in the country’s internal politics;
foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses are imprisoned or deported;
foreign visitors violating the terms of their entry are imprisoned or deported;
those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon denounced as “racial discrimination” an Arizona law giving state and local police the authority to arrest suspected illegal immigrants and vowed to use all means at his disposal to defend Mexican nationals against a law he called a “violation of human rights.”

But the legislation, signed April 23 by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, is similar to Reglamento de la Ley General de Poblacion — the General Law on Population enacted in Mexico in April 2000, which mandates that federal, local and municipal police cooperate with federal immigration authorities in that country in the arrests of illegal immigrants.

Under the Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony, punishable by up to two years in prison. Immigrants who are deported and attempt to re-enter can be imprisoned for 10 years. Visa violators can be sentenced to six-year terms. Mexicans who help illegal immigrants are considered criminals.
Illegal is ILLEGAL. No matter what the full term is...........

I respectfully refuse to be politically correct...I WILL continue to refer to people with the respect they earn in my opinion...there are good and bad in all races and will be referred to as such . Done .

The government can declare whatever they want...if I don't agree , they can , as is said on South Pahk , suck my balls...
Political correctness is what's ruining this country; liberals are so afraid of offending everyone that they have to come up with "PC" terms to spare their feelings....

Honestly, if a person was deaf, would they care if they were referred to as a deaf person? Or would they feel better being referred to as a person with a hearing impairment??
Political correctness is what's ruining this country; liberals are so afraid of offending everyone that they have to come up with "PC" terms to spare their feelings....

Honestly, if a person was deaf, would they care if they were referred to as a deaf person? Or would they feel better being referred to as a person with a hearing impairment??

The libs aren't afraid of offending anybody. They use PC in order to control free speech .
Last month's Supreme Court decision in the landmark Arizona immigration case was groundbreaking for what it omitted: the words "illegal immigrants" and "illegal aliens," except when quoting other sources. The court's nonjudgmental language established a humanistic approach to our current restructuring of immigration policy.

When you label someone an "illegal alien" or "illegal immigrant" or just plain "illegal," you are effectively saying the individual, as opposed to the actions the person has taken, is unlawful. The terms imply the very existence of an unauthorized migrant in America is criminal.

LOL.....but you are here illegally....I just dont get people any more.

Basically totally wrong, TH. You really need to stop reading conservative voices, they lie.
But due to the English language a person cannot ever be an illegal person, regardless of what country they are from. A person can commit illegal deeds or in this case be in a country illegally, but they themselves cannot be illegal. To say that, is just very poor use of language to the point that it makes the statement meaningless. Maybe that is why the Court changed the wording.
They all lie Dave , but please don't attempt to restrict our free speech , just because you don't believe it. Keep on listening to Hillary , 'cause we ALL know she doesn't lie .
They all lie Dave , but please don't attempt to restrict our free speech , just because you don't believe it. Keep on listening to Hillary , 'cause we ALL know she doesn't lie .

Methinks you misunderstood what I said. I apologize if I wasn't clear. Because there is no such thing as an illegal person, meaning a person, any person cannot be illegal, to label anyone as such, even if they are in Country without proper documentation, doesn't make them an illegal person. It is simple the proper use of language. Maybe that is why the court used the terms they used and not anything to do liberal/conservative viewpoints or free speech. You know how those lawyer types are with wording. But then again there is also no such thing as totally free speech. The Koch brothers talk a lot louder than you, they have more money to spend to be heard, so it is not free.
My I suggest an alternate to "illegal immigrant"?

How about "criminal imigrant". Technically anyone in the country who did not follow the proper channels and protocols has broken the law, thus are criminals.
They are not citizens of this country, attempting to permanently settle here, thus are imigrants.

Seems everybody should be happy with this.
LOL.....the most PC term that I could think of is that they are now Nationally Challenged?:rofl_200:

IE....they are not part of this nation....and the nation that they do belong to.....they arent a part of....
LOL.....the most PC term that I could think of is that they are now Nationally Challenged?:rofl_200:

IE....they are not part of this nation....and the nation that they do belong to.....they arent a part of....

Lmao, I think I might just have to use that one to emphasize the point of how being PC is complete ********.
Methinks you misunderstood what I said. I apologize if I wasn't clear. Because there is no such thing as an illegal person, meaning a person, any person cannot be illegal, to label anyone as such, even if they are in Country without proper documentation, doesn't make them an illegal person. It is simple the proper use of language. Maybe that is why the court used the terms they used and not anything to do liberal/conservative viewpoints or free speech. You know how those lawyer types are with wording. But then again there is also no such thing as totally free speech. The Koch brothers talk a lot louder than you, they have more money to spend to be heard, so it is not free.

Screw the PC police. It's still a form of reducing our free speech.

Just because Bo and his administration cannot say Islamic Terrorist doesn't mean that term is wrong. If you break the law and enter this country , you are a criminal 'cause you broke the law and illegal alien or illegal immigrant or whatever anyone in this country cares to call you. You do not have rights as far as I'm concerned , because you haven't earned any. If you don't like being called names , go back to your country of origin and bitch about it to the local government / military there and see how that works for you.