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Yea, we've got a .44 mag ruger rifle too so rounds will be nice to have for multiple guns. Got some reloading stuff that is being given to me eventually but for now he is reloading the stuff for me anyway.

the only thing I wish she said was that even if fire arms are restricted or banned bad people will always be able to get a fire arm. therefor, restrictions and banning only hurt the innocent and law abiding gun owner. To me, this is the bottom line and strongest argument. The black market for weapons will be so enormous it wouldn't be funny...and our government knows this and therefor, will never ban our right to own a weapon (RIGHT?). Gun laws are needed, but only proper ones are needed...we can get into the proper ones at another time. The current gun laws are revenue producing gun laws and that is it. And the debate on capital hill continues because lobbyists and politicians want something to do so they can be paid for it. It is all about the money. Always has been and always will be. You have to pay to play in America. I hope all of you gun owners and supporters are NRA members, you donate, you vote, you show up to the political meetings locally etc etc. Don't pass the buck and think someone else is going to cure the nations problems. No one ever wants to get involved until the **** hits your front door and lands on your doorstep (9/11!) :bang head::ummm::confused2:
It's all ******** IMO!! Politicians don't give a damn about actual 'gun control', they know it's an impossibility.
There's a huge sub-culture out there handling the procurement, movement and sale of illegal firearms that remains completely untouched by any ******** gun control legislation.
The real purpose of the legislation is simply to generate revenue...application fees, transfer fees, renewal fees, purchase permit fees, fees, fees, fees! It's just another gummint money game.
And a vehicle for keeping tabs on the honest gun owning folks so they can find them when the time comes to take their weapons away!

BINGO,...hit it right on the had there DannyMax. That's what I have interpreted it right from the start . Just an Allan Rock brain fart "knee jerk",to make the survivors of the Quebec incident look like he's doing something, and make revenue while he's at it.
It's all about the revenue.