Thank you for letting me see the error of my ways. Now I realize there's no need to bother the sheriff with anything so petty as theft. IF serving tea & crumpets to the thief don't stop him, it will be so much better to just dig a hole and pack the top flat after, seeing most thieves probably don't file an itinerary before leaving for work.
Repeat after me: SARCASM! Holy sh!t. Rough crowd today, I guess. No need to call names over it, regardless of what your relatives do in their spare time. :ummm:

I could find more, but I have to go steer some thieving relatives back onto the path of righteousness.
[it's sarcasm]
Repeat after me: SARCASM! Holy sh!t. Rough crowd today, I guess. No need to call names over it, regardless of what your relatives do in their spare time. :ummm:

I could find more, but I have to go steer some thieving relatives back onto the path of righteousness.
[it's sarcasm]