Happy 4th of July!

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Happy 4th of July to all my U.S. brothers and sisters! :punk::banana::cheers::band::th_party33::party:
Happy 4th of July to all my U.S. brothers and sisters! :punk::banana::cheers::band::th_party33::party:

Buster,Thanks! You know though,I know nothing about Canada or Canadian history.They really didn't teach us in school.Independance?

The only thing I really know is they speak french up north and our goverments are close allies.

I saw that Canada invaded Normandy at the same time that we did.I wondered if you have thousands of veterans buried there as we do?I really wish that our country would bring our dead home and bury them in Arlington where I feel that they belong.I do not like France and their political views.(Remember when they opposed us in the gulf and the fight of terrorism?)
They have already forgot WW1 & WW2 and just want to sell weapons to these unstable countries.
The French have a new Prime Minister and he seems a bit ( a lot) more conservitave and supportive of the "West". I feel that the damage has been done already and as you said the people in france seem to have forgotten that we saved thier collective butts twice.( and even attempted to clean up thier mess in Southeast Asia.)
They and many other European countries have porous borders like us and have an immigration problem that will soon "blow up" in thier faces.( if you know what I mean) Well it already has-- I think the world is like :smileystooges: dealing with "the bombers".

