...you need to start with a full charge, to load-test properly.
...but you need to ensure that any surface charge has been disapated otherwise it is possible to get a spurious result.
...you need to start with a full charge, to load-test properly.
It cranks badly only under certain conditions, that happened couple of times. And bike starts, although hardly.
I'm no pro on batteries, but my local shop said that re-filling an empty cell with battery acid is not what to-do, when I asked them.Failing batteries show themselves as bad when being used to turn over an engine in the cold.
It may have been better to wash the cell out with distilled water then top up with acid.
Funny, but battery reads and performs good.A quick check, if you don't have a load tester . Fully charge the battery, disconnect it, let it sit overnight, it should read a minimum of 12.5 volts in the morning.
If you have issues, go check another posts. Do not spend you priceless time here. I learned a lot from this discussion, but not from your offensive and useless posts.A whole lot of to do over a dead battery. Probably spent more time and energy than the 60 bucks it's worth. And you never fill a used battery with acid. You're just begging for trouble.
The water evaporates, the sulfuric acid does not. Filing with acid can make the mixture too concentrated and cause either a literal melt down or an explosion.
If you have issues, go check another posts. Do not spend you priceless time here. I learned a lot from this discussion, but not from your offensive and useless posts.
The rep from Battery Tender told me the polar opposite. According to him, you're never, ever supposed to leave a tender on full time. It's made to maintain a battery for a few days or a week, not months on end.either disconnect it or keep it fully charged using a trickle charger.
In theory, you can leave the Battery Tender® Plus battery charger connected to a battery forever. That’s a really long time. Sales people like to say, “Just plug it in and forget about it!” However, practically speaking, it is a good idea to check on the battery at least once every couple of weeks.
Also consider this. No matter how good a product is, anything can break. In fact, everything will break, eventually. There are only 2 questions to be answered. 1) When will it fail? & more importantly 2) How will it fail?
Not charging constantly makes sense to me. I’ve got cars and bikes I put off the road during winter months and always remove the batteries, store them out the bad weather, then give them a trickle charge for a few hours every month or so. They last for many years doing this. My spare battery for jump starting is about 10 years old and is never permanently attached to a load or a trickle charger.The rep from Battery Tender told me the polar opposite. According to him, you're never, ever supposed to leave a tender on full time. It's made to maintain a battery for a few days or a week, not months on end.
You're better off disconnecting the battery and letting it slowly discharge over time, then the day or two before you ride, hooking it back up and letting it charge. The same with boat motors. Just sit the battery on the shelf and the week before boating season starts up throw it on the charger.
Leaving it hooked up full time will slowly boil the water right out of it as it cycles on and off and on and off.
This is directly from the Battery Tender FAQ:
The entire FAQ is full of nothing but excuses for everything that can go wrong by leaving a Tender connected full time. Most of it leaves what goes wrong "anybody's guess" when the fact of the matter is the Tender will flat out fry batteries more times than not if left connected full time.
That's why it's a categorically bad idea to do it and no actual rep of the company will ever tell you to do that. Only a sales rep looking for a sale will ever suggest "connect it and forget it". Battery Tender tells you that in black and white.
I'm sure I've bought m/c batteries where the acid was in a separate container in the past, recent laws prohibit posting acid as well as restrict sales.
As for prolonging the lifetime of a lead-acid battery, either disconnect it or keep it fully charged using a trickle charger.
which reminds me, is there an easily accessible permanent live wire that connects to +ve battery terminal so I can charge the battery without having to remove the seat?
i was referring to the "intelligent" type that will turn off once battery is fully charged so no chance of boiling away the water ...... anyways, I don't have one so do my "trickle" charge by connecting regular chargers ever few months.
which reminds me, is there an easily accessible permanent live wire that connects to +ve battery terminal so I can charge the battery without having to remove the seat?
Yes bye a lithium ion battery. Like a Shorai lfx18. They use a digital charger that plugs into the battery so you can leave the cable attached under the seat.
That's the point: That is what that text refers to: the intelligent Battery Tender.i was referring to the "intelligent" type that will turn off once battery is fully charged so no chance of boiling away the water