Harley Rhetoric

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I have a "friend" who rides a harley and we've had a few drunken fist fights over the issue. He hasnt given me any **** since i literally made him cry like a girl trying to rip his ear off.

I will not take any **** from some trend humping dipshit sprung out in officially licensed and trademarked gear.

I always get the "its a lifestyle" thing. You ask them to explain it, and your told its about being free, patriotic, etc. Harley Davidson is the biggest example of herd mentality on the planet.

Why anyone would want to spend 3 times as much money to purposely look like white trash and ride around on a pathetic piece of slapped together **** is beyond me.

haha i heard a while back most of their parts are made overseas and then assembled here, is that true? then aren't the jap companies just as patriotic as they create jobs, aftermakret opportunities here in the states?
The difference between a fast Harley and a fast jap bike???

About 10,000 dollars worth of engine upgrades.

You can make a Harley motor fast but they weren't designed for it. They were designed to run lazily down the long straight American roads. THAT they do VERY well IMO.

To buy a Harley or clone to be fast is nuts IMO. They're only buying them for the look.
I'm not overly cool with the Harley bashing as we become the elitists that we say they are. Yes there are those on Harleys that are pompous and ignorant but that can apply to all makes of bike, including the VMax! (and I'm sure I've seen some of their posts on this forum! :hmmm:) . There are many members on this forum that have more than 1 bike, and it could be a Harley. So with this generalization you're shitting on some of the members here. We can laugh at Harley's "old tech" in their bike.. but really, look at the 1st Gen VMax. It's old school too! People buy and ride bikes for different reasons. Some like Harleys for the image it projects, some like the way it looks, or some just always wanted one. Why does someone buy a 1st Gen VMax, bristling with early 80's technology with the bikes that are available now?:confused2: The reason we buy our bike is different from person to person. In the end though, we all ride on 2 wheels. I think we're stronger united as a group than divided. Look at the "war" between Gen 1 and Gen 2 ! :cheers:
My 2 cents....
I'm not overly cool with the Harley bashing as we become the elitists that we say they are. Yes there are those on Harleys that are pompous and ignorant but that can apply to all makes of bike, including the VMax! (and I'm sure I've seen some of their posts on this forum! :hmmm:) . There are many members on this forum that have more than 1 bike, and it could be a Harley. So with this generalization you're shitting on some of the members here. We can laugh at Harley's "old tech" in their bike.. but really, look at the 1st Gen VMax. It's old school too! People buy and ride bikes for different reasons. Some like Harleys for the image it projects, some like the way it looks, or some just always wanted one. Why does someone buy a 1st Gen VMax, bristling with early 80's technology with the bikes that are available now?:confused2: The reason we buy our bike is different from person to person. In the end though, we all ride on 2 wheels. I think we're stronger united as a group than divided. Look at the "war" between Gen 1 and Gen 2 ! :cheers:
My 2 cents....

i agree buster. its too bad that harley has that reputation no matter if ur coming from a biker background or not. just a stigma i don't think that harley riders will be able to shake for a while.....
i agree buster. its too bad that harley has that reputation no matter if ur coming from a biker background or not. just a stigma i don't think that harley riders will be able to shake for a while.....

Actually Garrett, the Harley Davidson marketing campaign is designed to project that "bad boy" image. Beautiful shiney Harley's parked in front of a sleazy, rough looking roadside bar, beautiful models with carefully manicured hair looking just a touch slutty, guys in all the proper Harley attire milling around....you get the picture.

Got some shocking news folks....the bar is a backdrop built by the stage hands, all the beautiful people are paid models, the only real thing is the bikes! Everything else is fake!

It's all about image and roll playing....they play their roll, we play ours. They're regular guys....just like us, hard working fathers, brothers, husbands, construction workers, lawyers, and probably even a tank tester or two. :biglaugh:

They've been sold the badazz image along with the Harley, we've been sold the stoplight to stoplight tire shredding king image with our V Max.....we play our respective rolls....it's all good!! :punk:
Actually Garrett, the Harley Davidson marketing campaign is designed to project that "bad boy" image. Beautiful shiney Harley's parked in front of a sleazy, rough looking roadside bar, beautiful models with carefully manicured hair looking just a touch slutty, guys in all the proper Harley attire milling around....you get the picture.

Got some shocking news folks....the bar is a backdrop built by the stage hands, all the beautiful people are paid models, the only real thing is the bikes! Everything else is fake!

It's all about image and roll playing....they play their roll, we play ours. They're regular guys....just like us, hard working fathers, brothers, husbands, construction workers, lawyers, and probably even a tank tester or two. :biglaugh:

They've been sold the badazz image along with the Harley, we've been sold the stoplight to stoplight tire shredding king image with our V Max.....we play our respective rolls....it's all good!! :punk:

fair enough...

the only other truth to the statements made above i know of, is that i wave to every bike, everytime unless i'm shifting or something, and only harleys don't wave back....
Actually Garrett, the Harley Davidson marketing campaign is designed to project that "bad boy" image. Beautiful shiney Harley's parked in front of a sleazy, rough looking roadside bar, beautiful models with carefully manicured hair looking just a touch slutty, guys in all the proper Harley attire milling around....you get the picture.

Got some shocking news folks....the bar is a backdrop built by the stage hands, all the beautiful people are paid models, the only real thing is the bikes! Everything else is fake!

It's all about image and roll playing....they play their roll, we play ours. They're regular guys....just like us, hard working fathers, brothers, husbands, construction workers, lawyers, and probably even a tank tester or two. :biglaugh:

They've been sold the badazz image along with the Harley, we've been sold the stoplight to stoplight tire shredding king image with our V Max.....we play our respective rolls....it's all good!! :punk:

Good description Dannymax.........

ALL of my riding buddies ride Harley's.........

They ALL like and respect the Vmax.....

Most saying somthing like "it's the only Jap bike I'd ride"..etc.....

In my opinion it is because the Vmax has what Harley has.....an image....

I like Harleys......I'd have one in a minute if I could afford it......

I think the Vmax is great for Saturday night drag races, but you can't do that very much anymore.....

I think Harleys are great for cruising the countryside and seeing the sights, but nobody really has the time for that anymore....

Most of the guys I know with Harleys really do not WANT to go all that fast....

They just want to SOUND fast through downtown.....Harleys can make all kinds of noise at 30 MPH......and it's really cool in town.....and looks GREAT in front a watering hole.

But they all know that if a Vmax or Hyabusa or any 600 class sportbike is making half as much noise it is going WAY faster.....And there are bikes WAY better for cruising the countryside than any of the above.....

So......I don't know if there is a point here....other than I like all bikes.....

And would like to own as many different ones as I can:biglaugh:
I had a new Sportster in 71,it was not reliable.
Bought a new Electraglide in 03,left for Bike Week 4 times.
It let me down 2 of the 4 trips.Won't have another.
every bike forum i have ever joined has had a thread or 2 like this.....:rofl_200:.
i dont care wht others think about what i ride...

i like my vmax......:punk:

could care less how or who i can smoke or out run...:confused2::biglaugh: just like 2 ride!!!!:punk:
vmax riders are all such egotistical pricks! :shittystick: do you all ever stop to think there are going to be pricks who ride every make. it just seems more harley riders are that way because there are so many more harleys on the road than any other make? majority of my family and friends ride harleys and they are great people. while it may be hard to do, shouldnt judge everyone because the attitude of 25% of harley riders are rude?
vmax riders are all such egotistical pricks! :shittystick:

Ummm.. did you read the original post? I "thought" I was clear on the issue being STARTED by an egotistical prick no? The fact that I made fun of him in no way makes ME a prick.

Imagine someone calls your kid stupid and ugly, and you point out HIS kid is in jail, and tell other people about it, would THAT make YOU a prick? I don't think so.

I have a co-worker that eats, breathes and ***** Harley Davidson. I have already waxed his ass once already, him on a "upgraded" 03 Softtail Standard.

NOW, all I hear from him is how fast his 96in Stroker drag bike will take me.

I finally had enough and told him that if he ever felt froggy, to just say "JUMP" and I will wax his ass again. until then he could just STFU.

Some people just never learn.
My Dad just recently got an HD which I did not see coming (mid life crisis :confused2:) Anyways, having some time to ride this thing (08 streetglide) my opinion is.....it is a beautiful bike, black with lots of chrome - but not tacky. Anyone that likes bikes, cannot deny that they make some nice classy looking bikes. Performance? None. These things are for cruising and polishing, end of story. Price? Way overpriced, but look how many are on the road, so why the hell not charge what they can. We all know there are more sensible (vmax, cough cough) riders out there.

My dad rides his probably more than a lot of HD guys, and absolutely loves it. So, I am in agreeance with the others - if you actually RIDE it, and enjoy it, we are all in the same boat. If you own it to make a statement to others and make you feel better about yourself, that is lame no matter what you own.

Just my thoughts
I have a hard time seperating the reasons to ride. If riding a bike cause it looks cool to you, and draws some attention which you like because of it, and it's got things on it that looks good, i.e. chrome do-dads, then I'm guilty as sin. Of course HD makes some great looking bikes, who can blame the guy who buys them.

I just enjoy Yamaha/Star bikes, as much the same reasons as any HD rider enjoys theirs.

Now let's talk about spending lots of money on a bike today.....Raiders are around $15000 and new Vmax's push $20000 tax and licenses.

Then throw on some carbon fiber bling......which is another $4000 on the Vmax!

My brother rides a Harley, in fact he has two of them and a Ducati 900
and we will joke around about each others bikes but, he`s seen pics of the max and loves what I`ve done to it and his bikes are really nice but I think that slo poke got his percentages wrong about harley riders with bad attitudes it`s more like 75% I`ve heard it over and over again about how the ONLY REAL bike is a harley and it makes me sick!!! they think that just because they are big and fat that they have the right to talk **** and bash everyone else who rides other bikes. they can voice their ignorant and narrow minded opinions but when it comes to things like spitting on and knocking over someone elses bike THATS JUST ******** AND THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR IT and for me to buy a Harley would only be associateing myself with them and for that reason "I" will NEVER buy or ride a Harley.
P.S. Does that make me a prick too ??
haha i heard a while back most of their parts are made overseas and then assembled here, is that true? then aren't the jap companies just as patriotic as they create jobs, aftermakret opportunities here in the states?
Yeah thats true and I also share your opinion about them.
I think that Harley Davidson is afraid to say that they are assembled in america and Harley riders are to admit it.
Does that mean that Harley Davidson is really a Japanees bike??:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:<<Dave>>
Good Rant!!
My sentiments exactly. I got sneered at by a Harley(tm) rider while out for a ride over last weekend. I've decided that I will no longer give Harley(tm) riders "the wave". I've been riding for 42 years, and have been a waver the whole time.
Good Rant!!
My sentiments exactly. I got sneered at by a Harley(tm) rider while out for a ride over last weekend. I've decided that I will no longer give Harley(tm) riders "the wave". I've been riding for 42 years, and have been a waver the whole time.

Bill......I understand your frustration but please do not lower yourself to their level.....

Personally I wave at anything with less than four wheels that has an engine on it......

If they do not return the wave I assume that their riding skills have not advanced to the point that they dare remove a hand from the bars:biglaugh:
I have never ran into any problems with harley riders. I ride with a few, they are just like me they ride because they like to. I ride with all make and models. I think I have heard a comment or two on why didn't you buy a harley. I just tell them if I had wanted one I would have bought one. Which is true.