Python put up a couple pairs of the 418's on Ebay this week for a really good price and I snatched a pair. At first I though I would have been just as happy with the 412's, as I run the 412's on my Honda 750 (and they brought that old bike to life, love them). But I started fiddling with the rebound adjuster and it brought out some SWEET handling. They are the chrome ones, they fit right up, and while I haven't needed to put the bike up on the CS just yet, I can safely say the 418's have made this bike worth keeping.
Still, if the 412's had made the same difference on this Vmax as they made with the Honda 750, I'd still have gotten them. I just got a great deal on the 418's, and they are noticeably better than the 412's, but not earth-shattering.