My bike seems to be getting hot quicker than normal. My VMax has always heated up fairly quickly in the past during 75degree+ weather and in stop-and-go traffic, but this morning going into work it was starting to heat up in high 50's stop-and-go traffic. Once it starts to get hot it begins to idle like ****, which just makes matters worse because then I'm forced to hold the idle up another 500rpms to keep the idle from dropping irregularly and stalling.
Also, I rarely hold the clutch in for more than 10 seconds at a time, popping it into neutral if I'm sitting, so I know it's not that.
Is this normal or is something up with my bike?
Also, I rarely hold the clutch in for more than 10 seconds at a time, popping it into neutral if I'm sitting, so I know it's not that.
Is this normal or is something up with my bike?