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flying v

New Member
Feb 20, 2024
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Hi I am new I drag race a zx12r but it is down do to a wait on a stroker so I purchased a Gen 1 vmax to mess with it seems to run really good I believe it has a stage 7 kit with a quad zilla exhaust I'm trying to get it set up with a air shifter and kill box. I daily ride a vfr1200f and a fjr1300 both great bikes thanks for letting me join.
Welcome to the forum.
thank you but i'm a 100 miles from tenn. i haven't riden in a long time. the clutch is very hard to pull i think the guy that had it before me put a racing clutch in it.i was thinking may be lighter springs would work. thank you mike
I do sell the Pingle stuff and have helped set up some kits for customers. I may have a bracket or two left on hand. Probably even some air shifter kit stuff and air/electric kill components. Email me at one2dmax@aol.com
Sounds like you have the double-disc (DD) OEM times two doubling-up on the single-plate VMax diaphragm clutch. Get a clutch cover gasket, open the right-side clutch cover, and remove one of the two diaphragms, and replace the clutch cover. You won't lose much oil taking off the side clutch cover.
Your local Yamaha dealer. If you want to order one I like and use Ron Ayres Yamaha in NC.


Part #30 is the gasket

Gasket, Crankcase Cover 3


Retail Price: $19.99

Your Price: $14.59

The gasket is the same for 1985-2007 VMax'es.

Sean Morley one2dmax@aol.com is a member who also stocks many replacement parts, and is a great resource for info on repairs and modifications.

Captain Kyle (Kyle Clegg) vmaxparts@yahoo.com is another member who is a good resource of parts, he is always buying bikes and breaking them down into used parts for sale, including used bikes, repaired and refurbished. He may be a dealer for Parts Unlimited also, ask him.

dannymax is a member who specializes in carburetor rebuilding, and he offers an exchange service or outright purchase, and he also stocks new and used carburetor parts. Carb cleaning/rebuilding @ BRC Carb Shop, 16 Taylor Hollow Rd, Ghent, NY 12075 email: du@taconic.net

The factory service manual, you will want to save this on your computer: https://dn790009.ca.archive.org/0/i...ice-manual/yamahavmaxvmx12-service-manual.pdf

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