New Member
I have just thoroughly cleaned the carbs adjusted floats, replaced the A/F screws, all the rubber jet plate plugs and intake boots. The bike runs like it never has before at WOT. However I cannot get the sync correct, I can sync the right side and the left side but not get them to sync together.
When trying to bring them together the right/left sync screw bottoms out, when backing out the screw the idle raises, it raises the off the adjuster screw so it cannot be lowered.
Im just wondering if I could have put springs on wrong or the linkage? Any Ideas. The side at 13 inches is the right and 7 is the left (when sitting on the bike)
As a side note it did sync before the rebuild but popped at all RPM's. Apparently I fixed both those things!
When trying to bring them together the right/left sync screw bottoms out, when backing out the screw the idle raises, it raises the off the adjuster screw so it cannot be lowered.
Im just wondering if I could have put springs on wrong or the linkage? Any Ideas. The side at 13 inches is the right and 7 is the left (when sitting on the bike)
As a side note it did sync before the rebuild but popped at all RPM's. Apparently I fixed both those things!