Help!!! Carb Sync after rebuild

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New Member
Jun 23, 2012
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I have just thoroughly cleaned the carbs adjusted floats, replaced the A/F screws, all the rubber jet plate plugs and intake boots. The bike runs like it never has before at WOT. However I cannot get the sync correct, I can sync the right side and the left side but not get them to sync together.
When trying to bring them together the right/left sync screw bottoms out, when backing out the screw the idle raises, it raises the off the adjuster screw so it cannot be lowered.

Im just wondering if I could have put springs on wrong or the linkage? Any Ideas. The side at 13 inches is the right and 7 is the left (when sitting on the bike)

As a side note it did sync before the rebuild but popped at all RPM's. Apparently I fixed both those things!


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could be a linkage got bent during your rebuild and or ya a spring installed in correctly. you can bend the tabs the screws run on easily so maybe take a look and pull on the ones that are far away from screw, wont need to move much
It's all too easy to get those linkages and the springs in there back together incorrectly. Darn little springs are hard as he!! for a guy like me, with big fingers, to put back correctly. I've ended up by having to bend a tab back on at least one occasion.
You can check your butterfly valve on your carbs. Fully closed with the idle speed screw set all the way out. Also the vboost butterfly valve setting. I have the same set of vacuum gauges. I always set all four to carb #2. They tend to vary even if they are set to zero. One way to check is to swap out the gauge connections. 2-1/ 1-2and 4-3/ 3-4 then turn the gauges upside down and check 4-1 etc.. This was the only way I could get my bike syncd correctly.
you guys are AWESOME!!!
Who would of thought those little tabs could have caused so much pain? I got all 4 carbs in sync in a couple of minutes after flexing the tabs.

The V-MAX was a childhood dream bike of mine. I must say that going from a zx9 to the MAX was a disappointment initially, till I discovered that one of the Carbs was rebuilt incorrectly and the thing was basically running on 3 cylinders . The last person in the carbs miss keyed the jet block gasket (essentially 10 degrees off). Needless to say, now I am a happy camper. I just picked up some Supertrapps and this bike is screaming. Thanks again for all the assistance.
I have built a home made 2 hose manometer out of glass bottles and aquarium hose. My question is once I synch 1&2 then 3&4. can I synch Right and Left by connecting the hoses to carb 1&3?
if you can make a 4 tube system that would be best, you can go try that hooking them accross, then i would put them on 2 and 4 to double check.
save the time build a 4 tube system cuz you might still need to adj both left or both right while doing the right/left
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