Well-Known Member
Hey guys
Been a while since I've been active on the forum - I moved and have been busy with other stuff, but I still check up on what's going on once in a while. Anyway, my bike started running like sh*t a week or two ago and I could use some advice. I'm actually looking into what it would take to fly Sean up to Vancouver, Canada to see what he can do (and to fix everything I've undoubtedly messed up over the years!). If that's not gonna end up working, I suppose I'll see what I can do on my own.
Symptoms: bike's been running rich for some time but I've been trying to pretend not to notice. It's enough that after I park in the garage and close the door, I can smell a sort of gasoline-y smell throughout the basement. I also occasionally got a loud backfire right when turning the key on (before touching the starter). Despite that it's been running strong up until a week ago. All of a sudden it started to bog down and feel really sluggish. I have poor throttle response. I don't ride anymore because its bad enough now that I have trouble making it up a hill. It seems to idle fine, at least at half-choke.
I had my carbs cleaned by someone on the forum here (I'm sorry I forgot your name - Fargo maybe?) with an ultrasonic unit about 1000 miles ago. At that time I installed new air/fuel mixture screws. I fiddled a little with them to eliminate some decel popping, and seemed to get it in a good place. Now, however, I tried doing the shotgun procedure and something seems wrong. I was able to get all four screws out with compressed air, but I never did see the springs or o-rings. I tried some carb cleaner without getting them out. When I screwed them back in and tried to reset them to the right place, it seems to me that when I screw in the ones from cylinders 3 and 4 all the way, the engine stumbles, but I don't seem to get any reaction from screwing in #'s 1 and 2 all the way. Also, the screw from #1 didn't seem to thread in as far as the others before stopping. I dunno.
One more thing that probably matters. Early this year I laid the bike down when I jumped off it to help a buddy. It was on a slight decline and rolled off the kickstand. It was only on its side for maybe 30 seconds and I didn't think anything of it at the time, but when I opened it up this week I noticed that the airbox had a considerable amount of oil in it, and the air filter was wet and dirty from oil. I'm assuming that engine oil came up from the cylinders and through the carbs when the bike was down. Aren't piston rings supposed to keep oil below the pistons? Is something like that a normal thing to look for if your bike every goes down?
Finally, I've been told that if you know what to look for you can tell a lot about the health of an engine from the condition of the spark plugs. My plugs are 2 seasons old. Problem is, I don't know how to read them. I'm attaching some pictures, which may or may not have enough detail for any of you to give advice on, but I can't get a good focused shot any closer up with my camera. You'll notice that #4 is filthy right up to the nut, perhaps because some oil leaked out? Also, #1 looks pretty black and wet at the tip, while the others are dry and kinda light brown. The threads on all four are pretty dirty.
Any specific advice about what to look at, given my symptoms, would be very appreciated. Also, if anyone wants to offer some general advice about what to look for when inspecting plugs, maybe a short "How-To" writeup would be useful to others (come to think of it, I haven't even searched for such a thing yet - it's probably already on there!).
LAST THING (I promise!). I recently moved to Vancouver Canada and would love to hook up with anyone for a ride. I've already met Steve from south of Seattle (fantastic gentleman who let me borrow some space in his garage when I had to leave my bike in the States for a bit). You'll have to give me some time to get my Mistress back in top condition again, of course, but there is still plenty of season left this year.
Been a while since I've been active on the forum - I moved and have been busy with other stuff, but I still check up on what's going on once in a while. Anyway, my bike started running like sh*t a week or two ago and I could use some advice. I'm actually looking into what it would take to fly Sean up to Vancouver, Canada to see what he can do (and to fix everything I've undoubtedly messed up over the years!). If that's not gonna end up working, I suppose I'll see what I can do on my own.
Symptoms: bike's been running rich for some time but I've been trying to pretend not to notice. It's enough that after I park in the garage and close the door, I can smell a sort of gasoline-y smell throughout the basement. I also occasionally got a loud backfire right when turning the key on (before touching the starter). Despite that it's been running strong up until a week ago. All of a sudden it started to bog down and feel really sluggish. I have poor throttle response. I don't ride anymore because its bad enough now that I have trouble making it up a hill. It seems to idle fine, at least at half-choke.
I had my carbs cleaned by someone on the forum here (I'm sorry I forgot your name - Fargo maybe?) with an ultrasonic unit about 1000 miles ago. At that time I installed new air/fuel mixture screws. I fiddled a little with them to eliminate some decel popping, and seemed to get it in a good place. Now, however, I tried doing the shotgun procedure and something seems wrong. I was able to get all four screws out with compressed air, but I never did see the springs or o-rings. I tried some carb cleaner without getting them out. When I screwed them back in and tried to reset them to the right place, it seems to me that when I screw in the ones from cylinders 3 and 4 all the way, the engine stumbles, but I don't seem to get any reaction from screwing in #'s 1 and 2 all the way. Also, the screw from #1 didn't seem to thread in as far as the others before stopping. I dunno.
One more thing that probably matters. Early this year I laid the bike down when I jumped off it to help a buddy. It was on a slight decline and rolled off the kickstand. It was only on its side for maybe 30 seconds and I didn't think anything of it at the time, but when I opened it up this week I noticed that the airbox had a considerable amount of oil in it, and the air filter was wet and dirty from oil. I'm assuming that engine oil came up from the cylinders and through the carbs when the bike was down. Aren't piston rings supposed to keep oil below the pistons? Is something like that a normal thing to look for if your bike every goes down?
Finally, I've been told that if you know what to look for you can tell a lot about the health of an engine from the condition of the spark plugs. My plugs are 2 seasons old. Problem is, I don't know how to read them. I'm attaching some pictures, which may or may not have enough detail for any of you to give advice on, but I can't get a good focused shot any closer up with my camera. You'll notice that #4 is filthy right up to the nut, perhaps because some oil leaked out? Also, #1 looks pretty black and wet at the tip, while the others are dry and kinda light brown. The threads on all four are pretty dirty.
Any specific advice about what to look at, given my symptoms, would be very appreciated. Also, if anyone wants to offer some general advice about what to look for when inspecting plugs, maybe a short "How-To" writeup would be useful to others (come to think of it, I haven't even searched for such a thing yet - it's probably already on there!).
LAST THING (I promise!). I recently moved to Vancouver Canada and would love to hook up with anyone for a ride. I've already met Steve from south of Seattle (fantastic gentleman who let me borrow some space in his garage when I had to leave my bike in the States for a bit). You'll have to give me some time to get my Mistress back in top condition again, of course, but there is still plenty of season left this year.