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Should I pay this guy his gas money for the max?

  • Hell no! He's lucky to get what he got!

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • No. He was dishonest and does not deserve it.

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Yes you should cause your the better man.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Yes. It was the original agreement.

    Votes: 10 43.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2008
Reaction score
Saint Charles, IL
I bought my v-max a few weeks ago off ebay if some of you recall. It "looked" like a great looking 85. The seller claimed it was fully maint'd and ran perfect.

When I got the bike it was missing in the higher rpms and once I dug into it I found a few not so great things...

1. A buncha dead baby mice in the air cleaner (and the cleaner chewed to shit)

2. Rusted out gas tank

3. Original gas filter (yes 23 years old trust me) the fucker was FILLED with shit

4. Bald rear tire

5. Shaky steering

6. Warped front and rear rotors and absolutely ZERO brake pad left on the rear

7. Tear in the seat

Anyways the guy who sold it to me today has requested the gas money for delivering the bike halfway. I did not realize I had not payed that yet but he is in the right as I verified it had not been payed.

So.....should I pay this guy or should I send him the above info and tell him that not only are we not even but he is lucky I don't give him some shitty feedback...

Poll it up buds!
Just an opinion,... buyer beware. Like most secondhand things, there is usually something that is not quite right and there is some element of risk in making a purchase.
You made a choice to buy it and could have maybe checked it out beforehand?
Or decided not to go ahead with the deal if it was not as advertised upon seeing it.

I can understand you might feel pissed and you have the right to vent your frustration through the feedback forum.(ebay)

He might be within his rights to demand his mileage fee, but there is nothing
preventing you from telling him how disappointed you feel and could he cut you some slack because of all the problems.

Not busting your chops, but just giving an opinion.

It was in the original agreement.
I'm not familiar with the bike you bought, so tell a bit more about the deal...
What did you pay, How many miles, etc...
Have you discussed the problems you had with the seller? Believe it or not it's possible that, in his mind, the bike WAS well maintained.

He may believe he held up his end to the letter. If that's the case he may file a dispute against you, then you're playing 'catch up ball.'

I'd get my facts and figures together and give him a call. See if it can't be worked out.
I have to go with Jedi and Dannymax on this one - buyer beware, but as stated email him with your concerns and see what he says - maybe he will come good as far as gas money inlight of the apparent faults of the bike - mice in the airbox is not perfectly maintained and runnnig great as he described.

Did you get pics of the mice in the air cleaner???

This is a tough one for me to vote on because I would be inclined to, well, nevermind...

I agree this is a "buyer beware" kinda thing. I bought my '86 Vmax and was also told "all is well"...

I took the bike out and gave it a good ride around town, but didn't "get on it" because it wasn't mine yet... Unfortunately, after purchasing it, I did "get on it" only to find the VBoot conotrol module was shot and the tranny pops out of first under hard throttle...

I should have put the bike through its paces before purchase...

I think you have a good case against this guy (in so much that he is a lying a-hole), but that does not relieve you of your responsibility (as it did not in my case) to fully inspect a used vehicle prior to the purchase...

I was once involved in a trade/sale with someone that involved cars. I was honest with the buyer/receiver of my vehicle and trusted that he was the same with me. He called me about a week later saying that the distributor shaft had snapped on the car he got from me (a 1966 Comet with a 390 in it) and wanted me to pay for the repair... Incidentally, the 1970 Camaro I got from him had sucked a valve 2 days prior to him contacting me... I told him it was karma for selling me his beat up Camaro and left it at that...

In the end, neither of us could have seen the mechanical faliures coming unless we had torn the engines down...

Lesson learned? Buyer Beware... :(
Absolutely no question the guy is a lying ass-hat... Unfortunately, the warpped rotors, metal brake pads, and bald tire were easily checked upon initial inspection. That may have led to further, more detailed inspection prior to closing the deal... :(

I have soooooo been there, however, when you are so damn psyched to FINALLY have something you have been looking/waiting for, due dilligence kinda gets compromised sometimes...

You could always include an invoice for all the repairs/parts you had to replace to make the bike match the description with the gas payment... ;)
Be glad you are not involved in my 85 Max Saga:

Also got a set of crap coils from Pinwall Cycle Parts a month ago. Complained about it and they were going to send out another set, before someone there realized THEY WERE CRACKED TOO and finally told me to just send the coils back for a refund. What a joke. Too many people are taking 5 seconds out of their supposedly overly busy days to take a low res shot of some junk to pawn on eBay.

Definitely buyer beware. You rarely get what you pay for these days and rarely have I seen a completely accurate description.

I sold a bunch of stuff on eBay back in the day but I won't anymore because I'm afraid I'll miss something and dissatisfy a customer, even though I would never do that intentionally.

I spent an hour with the buyer of my XS11 motorcycle going over every little thing about the bike. He left happy, got a smokin' deal, and a free Morgan Carbtune and repair manual as well.
As was stated the obvious things would have struck me first and I would have been asking more questions and offering less money after that.
As was stated the obvious things would have struck me first and I would have been asking more questions and offering less money after that.

The bike is from the your area in iowa...why didn't you warn me?:biglaugh:

Anyways, the bottom line is I still love the bike and it's kinda fun (in an expensive way) getting it to run right and knowing I got it there.

I will pay the guy and be done. It's the right thing to do even when the other party lied and was wrong.

90.00 dollars for gas at this point is a drop in the bucket compared to what I will spend in the end to get her the way she deserves to be.
I bought my v-max a few weeks ago off ebay if some of you recall. It "looked" like a great looking 85. The seller claimed it was fully maint'd and ran perfect.

When I got the bike it was missing in the higher rpms and once I dug into it I found a few not so great things...

1. A buncha dead baby mice in the air cleaner (and the cleaner chewed to shit)

2. Rusted out gas tank

3. Original gas filter (yes 23 years old trust me) the fucker was FILLED with shit

4. Bald rear tire

5. Shaky steering

6. Warped front and rear rotors and absolutely ZERO brake pad left on the rear

7. Tear in the seat

Anyways the guy who sold it to me today has requested the gas money for delivering the bike halfway. I did not realize I had not payed that yet but he is in the right as I verified it had not been payed.

So.....should I pay this guy or should I send him the above info and tell him that not only are we not even but he is lucky I don't give him some shitty feedback...

Poll it up buds!

1) Pay the gas money. That's part of the deal.

2) Get the bike in your possession. Take photo's.

3) You should give this loser bad feedback on ebay because he has misrepresented his product.

4) Can you pursue a damages claim in the small claims court?

5) Enjoy restoring the '85 - there's not a lot to do to it and lots of time to ride it.
I would get back to the guy before paying for gas, and list all the problem you found. Then see what he has to say and work out a deal. Honestly, I don't think he can demand much after saying it was properly maintained and what you found in the air box, brakes and fuel filter.

I take it that neither of you has provided feedback on eBay yet? Remember that only the buyer can now give negative feedback - sellers are not able to do so any more - only positive or no feedback at all. That may work in your advantage.
I would get back to the guy before paying for gas, and list all the problem you found. Then see what he has to say and work out a deal. Honestly, I don't think he can demand much after saying it was properly maintained and what you found in the air box, brakes and fuel filter.

I take it that neither of you has provided feedback on eBay yet? Remember that only the buyer can now give negative feedback - sellers are not able to do so any more - only positive or no feedback at all. That may work in your advantage.

I really don't understand what was going on with the bike in the first place. He spent all kinds of money on a kick ass paint job, short mirrors, custom lights and even installed a battery tender but couldn't pop the seat off and replace the fuel filter? Or how about remove the faux cover and replace the air filter?

He gets the carbs rebuilt but never messes with the rusted out gas tank?

I just don't get it...well at the least the bike "looks" good LOL:clapping:
I really don't understand what was going on with the bike in the first place. He spent all kinds of money on a kick ass paint job, short mirrors, custom lights and even installed a battery tender but couldn't pop the seat off and replace the fuel filter? Or how about remove the faux cover and replace the air filter?

He gets the carbs rebuilt but never messes with the rusted out gas tank?

I just don't get it...well at the least the bike "looks" good LOL:clapping:

You're right-the bike looks great. That paint is first class!! But, like I said before, this guy MAY really believe that's all there is to "properly maintaining" a motorcycle.

He put all that effort into rebuilding the carbs and neglected the fuel & air filters. Kinda sounds like he was making all the maintenance decisions without the benefit of any knowledge on how it should be done.

If you haven't completed this deal yet you might want to contact the seller and explain the issues you had to deal with to get the bike running right.

Possibly with something like "I wanted to discuss this with you before leaving any feedback...." If he's not willing to meet you at least part way then leave appropriate feedback.

e Bay's dispute policy is still available to you if you want to go that route. Or to use as a tool when talking to this seller.

Good luck
hmm. as a long time ebay'r this kind of seller REALLY gets me. And it/they are getting more pervasive. I have put in 4 PayPal claims in the last month.

Anyway- I would definitely list all your issues to him, though I doubt he cares. not sure what half-way gas is but if you do pay him, since I paid $ 2.59 in Ga Tuesday, pay him in today's gas price. ;)
Did you agree to pay him for the gas before confirming the sale? If so, then I believe you should keep your word.
Although, I don't know why you would agree to that. If he wanted to meet you half way, then it should have been on his dime not yours.
But seeing how you've apparently already done that part.
I would give him a list of expenses, that you spent getting the bike back in running order and showing that it was NOT properly maintained as he so stated. And see if he will forgo the gas money in lieu of the money you had to spend, and just call it even.
I don't know all the details, but is it possible that he's a moron, and was getting screwed over by a local dealer, or shop? They might have told him how they got it into tip top shape while doing as little as possible to it. It certainly wouldn't be the first time a shop screwed over an ignorant customer!


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