Hey you dads

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Proud Vmax lover
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
Fairbanks, Alaska
Happy father's day to you all, be it by blood or other. hats off you you all.

My dad and I have been through alot and I couldn't ask to be with another for the ride. Not easy raising kids, let alone one like me.

So to all you DADS out there, I raise my glass to you.

-KJ Shover
Happy dad day to all! I'm still waiting for my breakfast in bed.
Thank you KJ and happy FD to all.

My 19 Y.O. daughter and my 9 year old niece who belongs to me now just served me burnt toast and week coffee in bed this morning.

The 9 yo drew me a picture and the 19yo bought me a nicer chair for my "office" out in the garage.....

It was wonderful;:eusa_dance:

My niece had her tonsils out last week, her parents came to see her at the hospital, first time they've even tried to see her since Thanksgiving; They "went to go run an errand" and came back drunk and screwed up on pills at 11:00 in the A.M.

Hospital security tossed them out.

I never planned on having a second child at this age but considering where she was headed with her folks I feel pretty good about it now. Just delays my planned goal of "going back to being a kid" and running a "naked household" when it's just me and my wife....

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