HID Headlight Mods Search

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Alien Abductee
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
When I try to search for HID headlight mods the HID is dropped by the search engine as being too small, etc. How can I search for HID mods? Need to upgrade my headlight as my old eyes are needing more light... :biglaugh:
search DDM, or xenon, headlight, projector....

There ar ea few threads. after I get my DDM kit in I will make a dIY.
When I try to search for HID headlight mods the HID is dropped by the search engine as being too small, etc. How can I search for HID mods? Need to upgrade my headlight as my old eyes are needing more light... :biglaugh:

Go to google and enter something like this in the search box
"HID headlight site:vmaxforum.net"


"DDM tuning site:vmaxforum.net"

You don't need the quotation marks in the search box.

On another note, I have been searching eBay for CR500 parts and everytime, I get thousands of results. The part that is really annoying is that most of the parts listed in the results were for CR125's or CR250's. I found that if you use quotes it will search for those exact words. Example, if I search CR500 piston I get thousands of useless results. If I search "CR500" piston. It is filtered much better towards what I'm actually after.
I was told that if I typin in CR500 piston, -CR250, -CR125 it would remove results for 125 and 250 because of the minus sign but I have not tried it yet.

Kinda sucks when you need a tutorial on how to use a search engine!
For some reason this sites search function does not like 3 letter or smaller words. Sometimes have to be inventive to get the results you want. Couldn't come up with a search that found the HID threads though... :bang head:

Google will find anything it seems. Many of my Google searches will pick up something from this web site.
This is what I get when trying 3 letter words.

  1. The following words are either very common, too long, or too short and were not included in your search : ddm
Very frustrating.
I was told that if I typin in CR500 piston, -CR250, -CR125 it would remove results for 125 and 250 because of the minus sign but I have not tried it yet.

the use of "+" in front of a key word tells the search that the results must absolutely have that word. the use of "-" tells the search engine to exclude hits that have that word.

well, this is true for the more powerful, complicated engines like google's. don't know about this forum's

Regards from my Taptalking Hercules Android
DDM Tuning offfers a good, inexpensive kit. The 50w is stupid bright. With the 50w bulb on the Max I constantly have people flashing me, and people move over to the right whenever I'm behind them (not a bad thing). I especially find it humorous when i get flashed, then I hit them with the 'brights'. I figure its only a matter of time before I get behind a cop and he pulls me over. I'd go with the 35w if I had to do it over again. I put the 35w on my CBR and its about right. Brighter than factory, but not so bright that I blind everyone else on the road.