High school textbooks covertly altered to teach false interpretation

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Dec 12, 2011
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Lawton, OK
(NaturalNews) The so-called "agents of change" have long used the public school system as a means of imposing their views. But in recent years, the governing masterminds have stepped up their efforts, and they have become more brazen.

One such recent effort: purposefully misrepresenting some of the Constitution's first 10 amendments in students' "history" textbooks.

When you can't compete in the realm of ideas, change the rules - and the 'facts'

According to Breitbart News:

The authors of United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination have taken it upon themselves to change the Constitution of the United States. The high school textbook contains a summary of each Amendment that alters the initial intent in which they were created.

The "interpretation" of the Second Amendment stands out in particular: "The people have a right to keep and bear arms in a state militia."

Well, as most readers know, the Second Amendment actually says: "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

It is unfortunate that something like this isn't even shocking anymore. When you think they have stooped to the lowest possible level, they improvise and find a way to go even lower.
I will find a History teacher or a student at my high school and check out the current text book and the second amendment specifically.

I will find a History teacher or a student at my high school and check out the current text book and the second amendment specifically.


It will be interesting what you find.....the article goes on to later say this

"Essentially, these standards, which were developed through a partnership between big government and corporations, in the absence of any real input from parents or educators with practical, hands-on classroom experience, and are being rolled out in 45 states and the District of Columbia, will create a generation of test-takers capable of little else, molded and shaped by the federal government and its corporate allies into what it considers to be ideal citizens."

So it is..or gonna be in 45 states...
This is just one of many examples of the erosion of our educational system. When politics and personal beliefs injects itself into facts. There's lots of groups trying to change history in the history books and trying to change science in the science books -- both liberal and conservative groups alike are guilty of it.
Well one saying that I will always remember..."History is written by the winner".

Somehow, I don't think that phrase was meant to mean "History is REwritten by a subsequent winner". :bang head:
Well one saying that I will always remember..."History is written by the winner".
That so true.
I'd hazard a guess that at least 1/2 (if not more) of what is taught as Truth in most History classes is inaccurate or even blatantly false.
That so true.
I'd hazard a guess that at least 1/2 (if not more) of what is taught as Truth in most History classes is inaccurate or even blatantly false.

I helped my daughter with a high school history report. All the info came from college data bases and per reviewed journals. The teacher told her it was wrong and gave her a failing grade due to the fact it was not accurate with the text book. It was historically accurate and cited as I explained to the superintendent the grade was changed. Teaching falsehoods as facts does not make them true school books are very bias to the real truth.
Just asked my kids (12 yrs old) if he had a history book home from school. Just so happens they did. We looked up second amendment and they had it written correctly word for word. The book is HOLT McDOUGAL United States History. I'm suprised. But in any case, in NY it doesn't matter if it's written correctly. They don't follow it anyway.:bang head:
They are programming the children,Just as the mainstream media is programing fear,Not to believe the truth,But do what they say.Divide and conquer,That's what there doing.
Read the Federalist Papers. You'll learn a lot about what the intent of the constitution, including the Second Amendment" was.

A lot of people from the Liberal (incorrect) side of the fence will not like what they read.

The Second Amendment was put there to give YOU the right to own whatever you need to overthrow the US Government if it should ever take a really bad turn (like right now, as an example). This means that the Constitution insures YOUR right to own ANY weapon (including a nuclear weapon), if you can afford one. As for self defense in the home...it would never have occurred to them that this right would ever be infringed on in any way so they did not even address this issue in the Constitution or the Federalist Papers.

The Constitution literally does not address home defense, hunting, target shooting, etc. The Federalist Papers bear this out.

The Supreme Court ruling that the Second Amendment does not protect private ownership of military weapons is totally wrong.
Read the Federalist Papers. You'll learn a lot about what the intent of the constitution, including the Second Amendment" was.

A lot of people from the Liberal (incorrect) side of the fence will not like what they read.

The Second Amendment was put there to give YOU the right to own whatever you need to overthrow the US Government if it should ever take a really bad turn (like right now, as an example). This means that the Constitution insures YOUR right to own ANY weapon (including a nuclear weapon), if you can afford one. As for self defense in the home...it would never have occurred to them that this right would ever be infringed on in any way so they did not even address this issue in the Constitution or the Federalist Papers.

The Constitution literally does not address home defense, hunting, target shooting, etc. The Federalist Papers bear this out.

The Supreme Court ruling that the Second Amendment does not protect private ownership of military weapons is totally wrong.

+1 on the Federalist Papers, an absolutely fascinating read, straight from the hand of the main players who founded the country an wrote the constitution.

For those that don't know it. The Federalist Papers is basically a reprinting of a very long series of news paper articles (Printed debates really) written by the different founders debating amongst themselves, with the public as an audience, what this country should look like and what the constitution should and should not contain.

One read and you'll quickly know that the over reaching federal government we have today is most definitely NOT what the founders intended.
The direction this goverment is headed in is very well calculated...actually forcing people to act out against them in anything resembling a ' revolt ' and thereby ' allowing ' the forces that be to take control , that being Homeland Security . Just look back at every great civilization throughout history and you will ' get ' it . Money , power , slavery...
Some history teacher once told me that no democracy in history has lasted over 200 years. Since we are no longer a democracy from a practical standpoint, I guess he was right. But we were never a democracy. We were a Republic. it's different. But it didn't work either.
Well the Roman Republic lasted over 400 years. Many historians consider Caesar's assassination the end of the Republic and the change from Republic to Empire. I think America might be on its final laps in comparison to that timeline. We've lost our Republic. We are an empire controlled by oligarchs now. Have been for some time now, but I suspect the "mark" in history that will be used 300 hundred years from now when students are learning about the downfall of America will be the Citizens United ruling. That's the nail in the coffin IMO.

I agree with statements about the Federalists papers, but I think it bears pointing out that these "printed debates" actually showed there was differing opinions on the size and control of government even among our founding fathers. They didn't universally agree with what we consider today as America's "founding principles." Also lets not forget that what they put on paper didn't necessarily equate to the reality of the day. One just needs to look at slavery and who had the right to vote in those days to illustrate the discrepancy of our Declaration of Independence when it states "All men are created equal."

Our founding fathers gave us a destination... one that even they still needed to reach. They built us a damn good ship to reach that destination. We just didn't keep her in good condition.
I agree with statements about the Federalists papers, but I think it bears pointing out that these "printed debates" actually showed there was differing opinions on the size and control of government even among our founding fathers. They didn't universally agree with what we consider today as America's "founding principles." Also lets not forget that what they put on paper didn't necessarily equate to the reality of the day. One just needs to look at slavery and who had the right to vote in those days to illustrate the discrepancy of our Declaration of Independence when it states "All men are created equal."

Damn well said, and shows me you actually have read the thing too!

Our countries founding principles as written were by no means a result of unanimous thought.

When you hear today that the country or our elected leaders are more polarized or partisan than ever it just proves to me that the ones saying it, typically the media, don't know dick about or have not studied their American history.

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