How does a VMAX compare to a V65 Sabre?

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"How does a VMAX compare to a V65 Sabre?"

Thats easy...

IT RAPES IT!!!:buttsexor:

Got a buddy that bought both,neat bikes but dont get caught on it by a V-Max or you will get a short lesson in "the geometry of the V-Max tail light assembly" as I like to call it.
that's one hell of a bike

Thanks! I like the way it looks. I just can't handle riding it as much as I want.

I think I'll watch for a VMAX that has already had a lot of the mods done. There are so many mods and the wife wouldn't understand buying a bike and then wanting to change virtually everything about it.
I own a V65... The 83 model which is the best one to compare with the Max... I rode my buddies Max and yes... Its got balls of steel and goes like hell. The V65 will keep up no problem until about 3rd gear then the Max pulls on it pretty well. Normally from a low speed roll to about 110 the max will have about 3 to 5 bike lengths on the V65 depending on how I shift. But it always ends with him in front.

Now the oiling issue isn't as big a deal as many make it sound on the net. There is a 200 kit that bolts right on that'll fix the problem with about an hours worth of labor. Overheating? Never had an issue. Runs strong as hell and is fun, and cozy 2 up... The max I believe would need a seat change for a lot of 2up riding but has the power of the old sabers and magnas with a lil extra just because.

All great bikes IMO. Just depends on individual wants and needs. To me riding a 30 year old bike and laying the smack down on pretty much any other bike out there is just fun for me...
i really enjoyed the riding position of the v65 magna...very comfy. and it had a good size fuel tank if i remember correctly. i did the top end oil mod to my 85...very easy and costa about 200 bux. never had any overhaeting issues with mine...however there was a conector between the voltage regualtor and stator that typically melted and needed to be attended big deal tho. and the overdrive gear on the v65 is welcome on the interstate.....amazing low end torque:punk:.
I had a brand new V65 and honestly I think the V65 was smoother, quicker and had top end over the Vmax. Never understood why Yamaha didn't put an overdrive on the Max but that being said remember my V65 was BRAND NEW and my max is 20 yrs old. But especially with a lot of mods the Vmax breaks down 100 times more than my Honda did. I just wish I could take them both to a track and see which one I could run better times with. Even though the 65 was higher sitting it handled like a 250 dirt bike comparatively with the wheelies and total burnouts and I NEVER broke a shaft or ever had to fix anything on the Honda but then again it was new. But as far as a badass hot rod the Vmax will win everytime. And it just looks and sounds meaner than ****.
the same question will be asked of the Gen II and the diavel................ the answer will be the same ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,VMAX!
But especially with a lot of mods the Vmax breaks down 100 times more than my Honda did.

Agree there....while my Max never left me stranded, it did need a fairly constant stream of attention. It did lose 4th/5th gears once from the pins falling out of the shift segment and I had to drive another 100 miles in third gear, but that was the worst of it.

Though the Max is a '97, my Magna was an '85, and the only thing that ever went amiss was a misfire from an old rotted plug wire. Replaced wires, ran perfectly again. It had a perfect 14.4 volts at the headlight, a 6spd overdrive (with an "OD" light on the dash), and the tach in the right spot.

The Max is a lot badder bike but IMO the Honda was better built.
Heres a better idea --- buy a used Yamaha FZ1, or a Kawasaki ZRX 1200, both bikes are lighter and handle much better than a vmax or sabre. I've owned all of these bikes and the V4 is the best thing about them, otherwise they are very heavy bikes and you feel it immediately. The FZ and the ZRX have modern suspension and braking. Remember when your looking at a 1st gen v-max, or a Sabre your talking about 30yr old technology. For what you will spend for a used clean Vmax or V65 Sabre, you can get a much newer machine that is very comfortable for long rides.... I sold my Vmax because it was just too heavy. :eusa_dance:

My ZX-9R just isn't comfortable enough for me to go riding long distances with the wife. I've been thinking for a while about getting a different bike. I've gradually narrowed down what I am interested in. Today, I went and rode the Harley VROD at "Demo Days". It was terrible - I was thinking it would have lots more torque. Now I have narrowed it down to where I think the best option is an original VMAX.

I used to have a V65 Sabre and I really miss that bike. It had a V4 with loads of usable power and just felt like it wanted to launch out from under you. Unfortunately, that bike hasn't been made since the 80's and it had problems with cams wiping. So I'm thinking the VMAX would be the closest thing that has been produced recently.

Anybody here owned a V65 Sabre and a VMAX? Or ridden both enough to be able to compare them? I've never actually ridden a VMAX so I'm only assuming it is similar to the Sabre.
I have both a 85 V65 Sabre and a 2005 VMAX. I was surprised that the VMAX wasn't as fast although I think the VMAX is a much, much better ride. The suspension and brakes are obvioiusly much better on the VMAX but there is 20 years of technology difference. Even with the big difference in age, I consistently beat the VMAX by about a tenth of a sec in 1/4 mile. 11.6 on the V65 and 11.7 on the VMAX. No question which sled looks better. The 65 was my first bike so it has sentimental value to it.
I have both a 85 V65 Sabre and a 2005 VMAX. I was surprised that the VMAX wasn't as fast although I think the VMAX is a much, much better ride. The suspension and brakes are obvioiusly much better on the VMAX but there is 20 years of technology difference. Even with the big difference in age, I consistently beat the VMAX by about a tenth of a sec in 1/4 mile. 11.6 on the V65 and 11.7 on the VMAX. No question which sled looks better. The 65 was my first bike so it has sentimental value to it.

Really ? :punk:

I own a V65... The 83 model which is the best one to compare with the Max... I rode my buddies Max and yes... Its got balls of steel and goes like hell. The V65 will keep up no problem until about 3rd gear then the Max pulls on it pretty well. Normally from a low speed roll to about 110 the max will have about 3 to 5 bike lengths on the V65 depending on how I shift. But it always ends with him in front.

Now the oiling issue isn't as big a deal as many make it sound on the net. There is a 200 kit that bolts right on that'll fix the problem with about an hours worth of labor. Overheating? Never had an issue. Runs strong as hell and is fun, and cozy 2 up... The max I believe would need a seat change for a lot of 2up riding but has the power of the old sabers and magnas with a lil extra just because.

All great bikes IMO. Just depends on individual wants and needs. To me riding a 30 year old bike and laying the smack down on pretty much any other bike out there is just fun for me...

I own both, too. As Gargoyle accurate said....from ACTUAL experience they are different bikes.

V65 Power Vs. VMAX? All things being the same, meaning both dialed and tuned in machines with good pilots: VMAX will have the first 10 telephone poles, then, V65 will challenge in the stretch, and then VMAX dominate in most cases. This may not mean anything in terms of day-to-day riding. Today, I went to the bar, and had a cold one then rode a couple errands.... VMAX would dominates in these fox trots and be boping around

I do not choose the word "tall" but it is taller than the VMAX. I am 6'1''. I want a taller bike when I'm going long distance or want the least amount of rider fatigue. Comfort wise, V65 takes it.

But to answer the OP question. Yes, I own both, meaning I ride them both 3 or 4 thousand miles per year each. Like Gargoyle said, they are different bikes with different virtues. When I think of going into the hills of New Hampshire and want to sit a bit back in the seat and ride with high visibility, then V65 all day. And when I want to ride low and bad to the bone, I MAX it out.

Just my 0.02 cents,