How much would it cost to supercharge a vmax?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2012
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Supercharging seems like cool thing to do to a vmax, so i was wondering how much around how much it would cost to do the whole project assuming you did most of the labour yourself? Is there anything in a supercharging project that would best be left for a professional?
All parts needed for the stock engine setup. Blower, intake, pulleys, bracket, carb and misc.


Would the stock pistons need to be upgraded ?

The sound from a S'charged Max is extraordinary and slightly addictive. I have a short video of Bob Novies S'charged bike somewhere. I'm not good at bringing videos from my archives tho. Maybe somebody else has that video on here they could share.
So currently with a muscle jet kit and kerker exhaust, what kind of numbers would be expected from a supercharger kit like yours Sean?

Also how would this effect reliability and life of the motor?

Can a guy with decent mechanical abilities get this done himself or are there some major mods needed?

And lastly would a turbo kit be better for numbers and realibility?

Sorry for all the questions but in time a charger or turbo is on the list.
That supercharger sure do look nice!

I would also like to know the questions Ost85vmax :)

also i got an offer 1000usd for just intake and a drivepack, is that a good price or would it be possible to use those parts for your kit Sean? It's the stuff that madmax has, he told me, and it's supposed to fit HPS 2.1 from KenneBell.

Thanks for the answers!
Is this kit hard to install? And would it be possible to get one without the airfilter sticking up though the faux tank?
The carb sits high enough that it will require some modification to the tank cover.

I believe most average guys on here can do the normal install. IF you want to make more power then you would want to upgrade the pistons and rods (we sell that stuff too). Look for 150-160 rwhp.

They have decent reliability but keep in mind the more power you make on ANYTHING the more stress that is induced into the parts. Ridden normally they will last a good period of time. I am not sure I can buy just the intake parts for the conversion so you can get your own blower unit. The kit comes complete.

The turbo is more complicated and expensive but will make more power and less moving parts to wear. They don't have the visual or sound impact that the blower bike has though.
Answering the original question is practically, who cares what it costs. There are complete running and set up complete bikes out there for sale for pennies on the dollars for what it would cost to build. We're talking blower specific built motors eg, forget pistons, H rods etc.
Recently seen for $6,500 OBO.
Of course there is the caveat, buyer beware. Peace of mind is built in when working with Sean or PCW or the other builders. It's not as easy as slapping on the kit and riding carefree. A couple of hard over lean runs will do wonders for your wallet so tuning might be as critical as picking the right parts. In fact, I would say the parts combinations have already been figured out for you. But, do you want Megacycle cams, HD oiling, bigger valves/springs or undercut trans? It all adds up quick. If money is no object, why pose the question in the first place.
I see it as an "all in" proposition where one would be foolish to be penny wise and pound foolish.
I used to think fuel injection would be the **** but have come around to carburation as the cheaper and better avenue.
Supercharge a Gen 2 would be great but I still want just to chaindrive my Gen 2, then I will be satisfied.