How to remove left passenger foot peg bracket?

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user 80997

Dec 22, 2023
Reaction score
This going to sound completely daft but how is it done?
The right one comes off by removing 2 bolts - easy peasy
The left one won't budge! I have removed the bolts (4 in total) and it is still stuck fast.
I tried tapping it with a rubber mallet, very aware that the regulator is mounted on the inside - even used some of my best swear words, but I am beaten ..... please help 😫
Thanks Fab - I was afraid I was going to break something ....... I'll get my crowbar out then! 🤣
The left side has the rear frame bar that stubs into it. You can remove the entire bar with it (and side cover first) which will make the job a lot easier.
Thanks Sean, that was the answer - man that thing was seized in there but I finally got it out :cool:
When my left hand one was off I fitted a 10mm spacer plate to bring it out as far as the right hand one was, as for some bizarre reason they were not spaced equally across the centre line of the bike :rolleyes:

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