How To: Replace a Lost Key

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Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2007
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...and I'm talking when you do not have a spare!

Also, before we get too far in, this ends at a locksmith so don't get your hopes up about filing a new key for yourself. I'm not saying it isn't possible, that is just another level!

On with it. So you lost your only key to your V-Max? Well, so far as I can tell, your only two options are to: 1) Buy a whole new set of the keyed devices (ignition, tank cover latch, steering lock, gas cap, helmet lock) or 2) Have a locksmith custom cut a new key for you. The most glaring problem with the first option is that you need your original key to get the gas cap off... There may be a way around this but I'm not aware of it. The other problem is that it is expensive to buy all of those components. I just saw a used set on ebay selling for $150 and don' t ask what the dealer would want!

So, its off to the locksmith. A quick scour of the internet will tell you to find the key code either stamped on "the" original key (which you don't have), or on a metal tag that came with your original key, or somewhere on the ignition switch. Now, I can't speak for the '93 and up Vmaxes but on the earlier bikes I couldn't find any key codes anywhere. If you have that key code, in theory you can give it to a locksmith and they can cut a key from that. Also, a quick call to a local Yamaha shop confirmed that they could do nothing about this situation.

Now, the locksmith may come to your house and do the work in your garage on your immobilized bike. Or he may tell you to bring it in. Either way, it will cost you either time or more money. I would suggest you just pull off the ignition switch and take it to him. Here is how I did it.

Pop the middle seat section so you can access the bolts holding the main seat down:

Once you have those out, lift the back the seat up and pull it out:

You should be able to reach up under the faux tank cover and pull the latch holding the cover down. Push down on the cover at the same time to make it easier:

Once the cover is off you can pull off the right side scoop to access the ignition switch. Pull out the two screws holding the radiator fill neck/thermostat unit:


Gently pull that assembly back from the bike and you will be able to wiggle the shroud that goes around the ignition switch up and out. The rear of the shroud snaps onto a post to hold it. You can see it in the second picture:


Now you can access the two screws holding the ignition switch in place:

Pull it off and unplug it, and there you have it:

Now, I also pulled off the faux cover release latch to give to the locksmith so he would have something else to check against. All you have to do is undo the two nuts and pull it off:

You kinda have to phenagle it to get the connecting bar off:

Then I labeled the sets to make sure they wouldn't get confused:

Now just take it to the locksmith and he should be able to take it apart and cut you a new key! The guy I went to charged me $42 to cut a new key from the lockset I brought in and I couldn't complain at that. Here is the finished product:

Now if you are astute you will notice there are actually two locksets in those last two pictures... thats because if you are inept as me you will procrastinate getting spare keys made long enough that you will lose the keys to both your bikes and be rendered completely immobile! Actually, they were a casualty of a recent move here to Tennessee. I'm confident I'll find the originals sometime...

Oh, and here are the guts of the ignition switch for those interested. Of particular note is the fact that the electrics can be easily swapped out of these if your switch fails for whatever reason.






And the cover latch:


The moral of the story then is: GO GET A SPARE KEY MADE!!
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Do the locksmiths normally have the blanks on hand or do I need to provide those?
Yeah, they should have the blanks in stock. If not, plan ahead and buy some blanks to take in. The problem is you might have to buy each of the 2 (?) kinds of blanks if you don't know which style you have. They are normally on eBay for like $7 a piece. My locksmith charged me 5 for it. I'm thinkin of having him cut me another couple maybe. That way I can have one on the bike somewhere, one in my pockrt, and one at home!
Do the locksmiths normally have the blanks on hand or do I need to provide those?

The big chain stores like Home Depot, with the fancy new key cutters, usually don't. But, like was said, the locksmiths or old fashioned hardwaree stores do. You can also buy original type blacks from Yamaha (never felt the need). I've seen them on e-bay before too.
Steve-o #4227
Arent the key codes that Yamaha uses stamped on the inner side of the ignition switch? I lost them on my 2001 and recollect pulling it apart to obtain the key cut codes stamped on the inerts. I then took it to Yamaha and had a new one cut. I will have to look for this link where I learned about that. Forget the locksmith if you can wrench your own bike. I will return with this know how!!! Well worth the time to have Yamaha dealer cut a new $7 key for you!
Arent the key codes that Yamaha uses stamped on the inner side of the ignition switch? I lost them on my 2001 and recollect pulling it apart to obtain the key cut codes stamped on the inerts. I then took it to Yamaha and had a new one cut. I will have to look for this link where I learned about that. Forget the locksmith if you can wrench your own bike. I will return with this know how!!! Well worth the time to have Yamaha dealer cut a new $7 key for you!

Please let us know where you found the key code. As you can see from the pics I tore the ignition switch down and didn't find it. But maybe you went so far as to pull the tumbler out? But like I said above, all my inforation is based on 92 and older bikes. I don't know if and when Yammy began putting the numbers on the switch.
What a major PITA ,,,,the 1st thing I do when I get a new car/bike/ boat(/helicopter/,if I won the powerball ,,lol...).is get keys made,,,,. At $3/key its well worth it to even carry a 2nd key in another pocket so if I dropped a key in wal mart ,etc the 2nd one gets me home ...,,the ignition key always rides alone.
And a 3rd key for the safe,,,,,also, it makes the new owners happier when you have extra keys for the car/bike/ boat/helicopter/jet...that you sell off.
Throwing my 2 cents is that once you get the key made check the gas cap asap. 2 differant times had keys made for a max and both times the key fit the ignition and not the cap. They had to refine the the key to get it to work at all the locks.
A buddy and I were on a trip down the Blue Ridge Parkway back around 1988. We stopped at a Burger King to grab some lunch. Finished eating, took the trays to the trash can/tray holder thing, and dumped the trash. When we got to the bikes, I had no key..... Yup, dumped it with the trash - and couldn't find it after digging around the big bag.

Fortunately - I always carry a spare key, and continued on a great ride. That key lived in my wallet unless it was in the ignition of the bike till we got to a place that made keys and got a spare. I keep a set of keys for the Max, scooter, and RoadStar in each bike, well hidden...
I dont have the original key its a blank cut . I was told I need the original code & cant just have a key cut is this true??
I dont have the original key its a blank cut . I was told I need the original code & cant just have a key cut is this true??

i'm sure a locksmith can do it. they'd probably prefer the original though as their copy is is only as good as the copy thats already made.
Throwing my 2 cents is that once you get the key made check the gas cap asap. 2 differant times had keys made for a max and both times the key fit the ignition and not the cap. They had to refine the the key to get it to work at all the locks.

I have one key that only works in one direction in the gas tank, but fine on everything else both ways.
:bang head:I just went through this a few days ago!! I have a 2 yr old that LOVES my bike and LOVES to climb on it as soon as he gets a chance. The last time I went for a ride was Friday June 3rd, Monday June 6th decided I was going to ride to work. I've been working nights so I don't leave until around 5pm. Pulled the max out of the garage, went to start it and no key! Looked at the hook on my workbench that I'll hang it on sometimes, NO KEY! Then I went in the house to the hooks we hang the car and gate keys on, NO VMAX KEY!! tore the house and garage apart numerous times over the next few days and nothing! Finally gave up and called a mobile locksmith. He came to my house Friday and I wheeled the max out to his uhaul style work truck. It took him around 30-45 minutes to make a new one. It cost me $150 for the service and I got an extra key for $5. The only down side is its not a small key like the original Vmax key it's pretty big..... Oh well.
So it only sat for 7 days, the 2 weeks prior to it sitting I put just under 200 miles on it and it ran perfect. Went for a ride Friday and as soon as I take off down the street...... RIDES LIKE COMPLETE ****!! No power what so ever!:bang head:: I recently had an ongoing issue that literally took around 6 months to resolve. But that one it only had an issue between 55mph-75ish mph. Yesterday I went and got a new fuel filter and it still rode like complete crap so it looks like I gotta start the carb issues song and dance!!! Peashooter...... Shotgun...... Blah blah blah
When I had my previous issue I replaced the fuel filter, took apart the fuel pump, got COPS, AND had the carbs rebuilt and sync'd by dragmaxster.
Thats it!

I only have one key and it has popped into my mind plenty of times, going to have a couple spares cut Monday, and for my Samurai as well. Thanks for this article cementing in my mind what a PITA it is to sort this with NO key at all.

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