Good to see you again. Wish that you were here more often.
I bought Dannys yellow Vmax. Thats about whats new to me......
Hey Garrett, good to hear from you! How's the family?
All good here at BRC, sold the PCW1260 as you already heard, got a BMW S1000XR and recently another Max, an '85.
Hell, you're practically a neighbor now, maybe we can get in a ride this summer!unk:
BTW, I can't open your photos....??
Good to hear from you Garrett! How is the family doing?
Hey G, its been awhile!
Not too much new over here.
I'm older and fatter.
My vmax looks the same. Not too many miles added in the past couple years.
Been focusing my "spare" time building the addition on my house.
Still a long way to go on it.
Glad to see you drop in. Hope all is well with you and the family. Let us know how things are going. Also, something is up with your photos. I can't view them. I'd like to see whats going on with your rides.
Good to hear from you Garrett. Everything's good on the Cape, including the temperature. I hope all is well with you and family.
Closer to Thunder in the valley grab Danny and come on down !!
Unfortunately this is what I see when i look at your pics.
Glad that things are going well for you. You ARE missed here.
Even the thumbnails?
Thanks for the kind words man.
Hey Garrett,
Good to hear from you and that all is well.
Yup, tumnails are good! Cool rides.
Ben & Andy still riding?
Got a really nice route down by the Devil's Tombstone and into Phoenecia for some outstanding pizza....maybe we can do something like that.
you too buddy, anything new on your end?
yes they are, although not as many miles as we used to. that sounds like a doable ride for sure, couple hours for us, but not far from you eh?
Utica areaWhere are you in NY?
i follow!No, not far at all. We could hook up in Catskill and head up thru the gorge to Hunter Mtn....very pretty, but still lots of damaged areas from the hurricanes that hit over there a few years ago.
I added thumbnails which should be open-able. Family is good man, girls are getting older, love being closer to their grandparents. I saw that s1000xr and its a beaut! A ride this year sounds great.
good man, really enjoying closer to family.
got any pics of the addition progress? Pics should be fixed. Yea i don't have the same miles I used to either unfortunately.
I've been doing a lot on my house as well, we bought it sight unseen when we moved as there was nothing to rent! Thankfully i had family to scope it out beforehand.
good, you avoiding the snow that's been hitting (at least central) MA?
That may still be a bit out of the works for this year, but hopefully some more riding.