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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
SW Florida
No Purple Heart but a huge "Fail" nonetheless. Tried unloading the bike off the trailer from the kickstand side. Have to stand it straight up to get the front wheel out of the chock. I pull it back, it moves back and starts tipping. Pulled me right over the bike but I know when to bail. Neighbor right there to help me get it back on the kickstand. Crushed the side cover but didn't look it over yet. Just threw it in the garage and licked the wounds to my pride.
Bum deal..........:damn angry:............Glad you didn't hurt yourself trying to save it, I would rather replace parts than take time off work with an injury.......................Tom.
I'm at work as I posted my Fail story so yeah I'm fine after the faceplant. Got plenty of parts to fix everything. Some of you that know me know I've lost 80 lbs since March after having my stomach removed. Lost muscle as well as fat! Miss the old days and this would never happen in the past. Sucks to be me today.
It may suck to be you today, but that extra weight you lost will help to keep you here long into the future.Better to be slim and bruised then fat and dead! Best whishes.

I hate you for posting this. I have to load my bike in two weeks and am not looking forward to it lol.

Edit to add: OK, sorry didnt mean to sound like a jackass lol I am glad your ok.
'Patmax,' I am glad to hear you know when discretion is the better part of pride. Don't injure yourself trying to save an inantimate object, right?

Did you undergo a stomach reduction? I have a college friend who played Div. I football in MI, he got his nickname after he broke the tackling sled-twice. An assistant coach started calling him "Heavy." It stuck. At his heaviest he was >400 lb. He has been a martial artist since college, his vacations used to be trips to Okinawa for training & tournaments. All that pounding and weight caused him skeletal problems later in life, he's in his early 60's now & is a near-invalid, but he weighs about 235. Quite a difference.

Congratulations on the change, be sure to get the nutritionist to help you to stay on the path to (en)lightenment!

The bike can be fixed. Bodies are harder, especially as we age.
Glad you're ok and the bike can be fixed.

And congrats on the weight loss!

Loading mishaps are not uncommon. Don't feel bad.

I put mine through the back windshield of my truck a few year ago, have also spit ramps out (tie those babies off!) and dropped whole bikes going into the bed of a truck, and also have done exactly what you did by letting it go overcenter away from me. And also have failed to deploy the kickstand fully and had 'em fall over while walking away from it. (Did that one when the Max was only on it's 1st day of my home)
All of them are embarrasing, and I learned something everytime.
The worst was the window event when there were 30 of my friends with camera in hand :biglaugh:

The other one was a Yamaha UTV that had a complete ramp failure half way up the ramps when out in the desert, it came down on the back wheels and then went over backwards on top of me, I was out there by myself and damn lucky it didn't cripple me , I'da been coyote shit before anyone found me (It was an old one and did not have a rollbar)

Whats even more fun is camping out at busy boat ramps with a lawn chair and some beer, waiting for the trailers with paper tags to show up. No end to the fun in that, can anyone say "Schaudenfruede"??? :biglaugh: I'm not a complete asshole tho' I'll offer to help first.
LOL... exactly what happened to me on my first vmax "crash" 10 years ago. Getting it on the center stand i tipped it over to the right side... LOL Just a scraped bar end... No biggie mate, a good excuse to change the handlebar that "must" be warped... LOL
Here in one of the most boating-intensive places on earth, hanging-out at the boat launch ramp will be a quick tutorial in what not to do.

Anyone see internet pics of the novice boaters who put the boat into the water & didn't bother to remove the trailer? "Why doesn't this handle any better?" They just uncoupled it from the tow vehicle.

Youtube has many videos of tow vehicles trying to be Amphicars.

It's kinda redneck, but there are some entertaining moments at the ramp!:biglaugh:

I bet anyone who has been into bikes for a considerable length of time probably has >1 or 2 loading tales to relate.

Glad you're ok and the bike can be fixed.

And congrats on the weight loss!

Loading mishaps are not uncommon. Don't feel bad.

I put mine through the back windshield of my truck a few year ago, have also spit ramps out (tie those babies off!) and dropped whole bikes going into the bed of a truck, and also have done exactly what you did by letting it go overcenter away from me. And also have failed to deploy the kickstand fully and had 'em fall over while walking away from it. (Did that one when the Max was only on it's 1st day of my home)
All of them are embarrasing, and I learned something everytime.
The worst was the window event when there were 30 of my friends with camera in hand :biglaugh:

The other one was a Yamaha UTV that had a complete ramp failure half way up the ramps when out in the desert, it came down on the back wheels and then went over backwards on top of me, I was out there by myself and damn lucky it didn't cripple me , I'da been coyote shit before anyone found me (It was an old one and did not have a rollbar)

Whats even more fun is camping out at busy boat ramps with a lawn chair and some beer, waiting for the trailers with paper tags to show up. No end to the fun in that, can anyone say "Schaudenfruede"??? :biglaugh: I'm not a complete asshole tho' I'll offer to help first.
All your stories are making me feel better guys! I thought at 47 I was too old and wise for such shananigans. So yeah I had the Gastric Sleeve to combat my Diabetes so right now, it is working out for me.
What's bad is my neighbor asked if I needed help and declined his offer. I would not have gotten it back up without his help. Lesson learned
Glad you're OK Patmax, falls can be embarrassing. I stopped behind a school bus unloading kids one afternoon and somehow got the bottom of my jeans hung on my foot peg and over I went. A bunch of kids jumped out of the emergency door on the back of the bus and got the bike off me, stood the bike up and brushed me off..........Now that was embarrassing as hell.
...I've lost 80 lbs since March after having my stomach removed. Lost muscle as well as fat! Miss the old days and this would never happen in the past. Sucks to be me today.

SO HAPPY to hear that you're OK. The muscles will strengthen in due time. Look on the brighter side--less weight means more VROOM VROOM :rofl_200:.
PATMAX, Bro you gotta take care. Never turn away an offer of help. Too seldom that it gets offered... Glad you're OK...

I didn't see it happen so it must not have. Bummer dude! But, thumbs up to the weight loss! Bikes are easier to fix then bellies!

Fix the bike, no-one will know.
Bust an ankle, everyone hears about it! Lol

I stopped my bike and got off to have a look at something, and dropped it.
Big L on my forehead...
Better to be slim and bruised then fat and dead! Best whishes.


It's happened to quite a few of us at one time or another. Cowboy dropped his on his trailer, a couple of years back.

Back in the late 80's we had a great qualifying day at the races but when we woke up for eliminations the next day there was snow everywhere. Everyone was fighting to get their bikes and cars loaded. ppl borrowing come-a-longs, 10 ppl at a time trying to guide the vehicles into trailers. Me, I didn't need no damn help. I tilted down my trailer and kicked away the snow. I took a running start pushing the dragbike and was building steam as I went. I ended up slipping as soon as I hit the trailer and the bike went up on the trailer as planned, slipped, tipped over and slid back down. Hardly any damage cause it landed on me and used me for a sled. I was lucky a few guys saw it, and helped me with it.
Hey Pat, As you can see, it's happened to all us at one time or another.

I had an Argo, 6 wheel ATV, a while back. Went to a friends camp for the day. We had a blast with that thing. When it came time to leave, my buddy offered to come with me to the truck to help load it in the back. Truck was across the lake. I told him not to worry about it.

So I ride the ATV to the truck, forgot the ramps at home, so decide to find a bank to back the truck up to and drive the Argo on. First attempt, smash one of the taillights on the truck. Second attempt, as I'm going up the bank, I give it too much gas and the Argo flips over on it's roof while I'm inside, good thing for the roll bars, but I did hurt my shoulder badly.

Totally pissed off, in the dark in the middle of nowhere and very sore, I decided to admit defeat and tied the front winch line of the Argo to the bumper of the truck and towed the thing home.

Learned my lesson, take help when it is offered.

Bro, Nothing to be embarassed about at all. It happens eventually to us all. I have been around bikes for 40 years and have my share of insulting situation caused by my own hand.

I was riding in a pack of about 50 bikes during the ROT rally a few years ago and was riding point right next to the Pres. Man we pulled up to a light on a heavy intersection and my pant cuff hung up on my forward control. At a dead stop I couldnt get my foot to the ground...I looked at the president as me and the bike wobbled and then went over (he was laughing). I was wrestling my leg free when the light changed and 50 bikes rolled by me laughing their asses off. I am sure that if I was hurt or couldnt have gotten the bike up someone would have helped me but I wasnt. Only my pride now in retrospect as Im retelling this Im acually sitting here in my office laughing about it.

My point is dont sweat it if no real damage was done to you or the bike there is nothing to be worried about. If you need anything for the bike Im sure we can get you some help with parts.