Years ago my Golden got sprayed.
I was up at my cabin in the middle of a Nor'Easter. Raining like hell and about 0300 my dog nudges me while I am sleeping. Not the "I'm bored, I want a little pat on the head and I will go back to sleep, nudge", but the "I have got to **** so bad I can taste it" nudge.
Over to the slider we go....
I open the door and she heads out into rain that would have made Noah say "daaaayum, it's raining hard". Though the darkness I can barely make her out, then out of the corner of my eye I catch something small and dark moving as well. Too late, she saw it too and tore off after it. It only took a second to figure out that it wasn't a coon. The dog is now rolling on the grass, and wiping her face incessantly. As she comes to to door I am greeted with that wonderful odor......fuuuuuuuk me.
20 minutes later there I am at the 24hour Walmart super center check out, a large Rubbermaid tub and about 6 bottles of lemon juice on the belt.
Clerk: <looks at my stuff, then at me> "Skunk?"
Me: "Ya think?"
Washed the dog several times with the lemon juice and it did kill most of the odor....that or I simply got used to it.
In any case, for the next 6 months, whenever she got wet or it was really damp outside there was always this smell of skunk in the air. I think it gets into their skin.
I F'in hate skunks.