I cant win!LAME

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Riverside, Ca
All that crap with my starter button burning out,I get a new starter button and guess what!

It still wont start when I push the button!:bang head:

I can still jump the silinoid to start it but when I push that button the oil light comes on and THATS IT!Loosin my mind...Owell...

Any ideas THIS time gents?
Guess it HAS to be the starter relay now. You have a multimeter? Make sure 12V appears at the starter relay when you press the start button.

If yes - starter relay is prolly dead

If no - you need to check your wiring between the start button and the relay - and this may be the reason your button burnt in the first place..
Relay is BRAND new. Good place to start though. Ill swap it for my other one tomorrow then check all the wiring between them. What a silly mess to be in. Runs like a champ when you start it with a screw driver, passer-bys seeing me start it at must think shes stolen.
just curious can you bench test the old button and new one and see they are both good?? otherwise for sure check wires inbetween. If no joy then id just make a new set of wires from relay to your switch and be done with it. All other switches still good, kickstand, kill switch,and "in neutral light on". just for fun try pulling in clutch and hitting start button, even if in neutral, since thats the way you can start it in gear might give you a idea of where problem is.
take the seat off ,theres a group of wires that run up the left side of the bike,wigle them around as your trying to start the bike.long shot but happened to me once,there was a pinched wire.
Good suggestions. Ganna be another one of those prod and poke till she starts scenerios.Dont like having to pull the seat and start it with a screw driver but honestly I really dont care too much,I can ride it again and THAT has really helped my mood about the situation
Is it at all possible that this problem could be a bad connection inside at the starter brush plate that's described elsewhere in this forum?

I have the older 2 brush starter, and I know when it was not clean inside, all it would do is grunt and groan without spinning the motor fast enough to start. :ummm:

Just throwing that out there.
Dont like having to pull the seat and start it with a screw driver but honestly I really dont care too much,I can ride it again and THAT has really helped my mood about the situation

Short term, wire in a temporary toggle or push buttom switch in place of the screw driver. At least you won't have to take the seat off to start it.
Thought about the button option as a temp fix...I think for the time it would take me to wire it I may as well just get out there and actually fix it. Just tired of poking at it right now so Im finding it hard to convince myself to wonder out there and do it.