I have real problems.....

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That is sad to hear. You hear stories like this, and of humans getting similar treatment, too many times. Where is, what we once called, justice?:damn angry:

What torques me off too... Why don't I ever know where these type of people are? Like the ones with a price on their head.:bang head:
It ain't right to hurt the dog but...if your neighbor won't keep their animal quiet and you can't get enough sleep and you're about to get in trouble at work for it...and the cops won't do anything about it and neither will your neighbor....

Jobs are worth protecting but NOT worth hurting the animal like that. But some neighbors will hurt you or burn down your house if you try to convince them to control their untrained animals....been there. Luckily the cops finally took me seriously and fined the guy. Did he control the animal? No. He got rid of it. I feel bad for the dog, all he had to do was keep it inside at night, but my job was at stake....

I would never torture an animal like that, I like dogs, but if a dog kept me up all night barking...and God help the dog that tried to bite me or mine when it got out of its fence....you ever tried to keep a beagle in the yard? They're hard to contain and VERY loud. It's the nature of the breed and many owners don't think about that when they get a puppy.

NO it ain't right to torture a dumb animal but maybe there's a side to this story that isn't being told....
Ever watch Animal Cops? Nothing but sad news on that program.
I'm sad to report that a ********* relative of mine actually took his three year old dogs to be put down because they wouldn't stay in the yard? Its Ok to play xbox all day with no responsibilities but spend some time with your dogs you had to have...Noooo. Too hard. Its this mentality that makes me think certain people should be allowed to have children.
