I REALLY want one

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That was pretty cool........................makes me wonder about UFO's
The 4th grade me would like to attach a lawn chair to that and just fly around all day...:punk:
As a long time RC plane crasher - that's cool!
I've got a small area of my basement wall displaying all the tail assemblies of RC aircraft I've flown one time too many. Sometimes I laugh when I look at them, but mostly it just pisses me off - due to the amazing amount of time I wasted building these contraptions.
Every model airplane has a warranty. It runs out a microsecond before impact.

Don't get me started about RC car racing............
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I used to have something similar to that, though not nearly as "advanced". Think it was called a Vectron or something, hobby shops and even some department stores sold them. For a "kids aisle" toy, it was pretty advanced and wasn't the easiest thing to fly. I saw they still use the name "vectron", but the latest versions have been massively dimmed down and aren't nearly as cool as the older ones.

It had 3 arms instead of 4, and the whole thing spun to stabilize itself. You could control the "throttle", and "tilt", which would just send it sailing it whatever direction it tipped in. I had a wired version, which used a tiny cable maybe 20' long as a tether, there was a wireless version that was a lot more expensive.

It certainly wasn't as fast or maneuverable as that thing though.
helicopters draganfly x4 uav x4 Draganfly draganflyer copter heli-cam camera
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By Dan Nosowitz

Draganfly X4 UAV: Tiny, Camera-Packing, UFO-Looking ?Copter Is Cheaper Than Ever

Draganfly's series of photo/video-based UAVs have always been awesome, but they've also been more of a pipe dream than anything else. The X4 is smaller than the X6, but the smaller size also comes with a 25% price cut. Yes!
Like the X6?featured in Giz Gallery 2008?the X4 is a carbon fiber-bodied UAV with four carbon fiber rotating blades. The 680-gram (with battery) copter is capable of using a still/video camera (in this case, a Panasonic Lumix point-and-shoot), an infrared camera and a low-light camera, all of which can be controlled from the ground. The X4 also features three accelerometers, three gyroscopes, three magnetometers and a barometric pressure sensor, and the controller is based on an OLED touchscreen. The X4 only has four motors to the X6's six, but that comes at a big boon to the pricey 'copter: The X6 checked in at about $15,000, and the X4 should be more like $10,000.
So yeah, this thing is still super expensive. But it's also just about the best heli-cam we've ever seen, capable of flying both indoors and in inclement weather (up to 18mph of wind). Check out these videos at Draganfly's site to get a real sense of the true badassery of the copter. [Draganfly]


from gizmondo 8-10-2009

So you can have this, or a '09 gen II in a year...
wow wow wow. that thing is mesmerizing. i could spend all day in the field with something like that. i wonder how many channels that controller has. i remember growing up playing with 2-channel RC cars and just being absolutely dumbfounded with the number of channels it takes to control an RC plane.
I freak out about UFOs... my biggest fear is UFOs.

As a side note. NOT saying anything about YOU!
Not at all.

If you google "ufo gay abductions" there will be quite a few hits. You might not find this idea there, but I'm here to help. :biglaugh:
It seems, when people are abducted by aliens, there is a common thread in the stories.
Quite often from a remote or deserted area (never the middle of a city), and it often involves some sort of anal probe.

Put those sort of 'facts' together, squint a little bit, and think about how the human brain works.

UFO abductions are possibly the result of the brain blanking out memories of a gay rape.
It is unfortunately a better explanation than aliens abducting people and sticking things up their bums!

Just be diligent about not letting people stick anything up your bum that you don't want them to, and you shouldn't have a problem!
That's what I think.
I ain't 'fraid a no alien. :biglaugh:
If you have an iPhone you can get one of these http://drone-ace.com and it's WAY cheaper an option. More like $500.00 or less. They sell them at Brookstone stores. I saw it at the Pgh airport. See what you guys think. Ed✨