I've been running nirous on my bikes for going on 26 years. Both on the track as well as street. heh, my old snomobile even had a 40hp kicker on it :biglaugh:.
There is alot of good information out there. Do your homework, ask questions. Setups can be fairly inexpensive. It depends on where you get your parts. Fogger nozzles are pretty much the same in power producing abilities. and you could pick up a used set on the low cost.
Solenoids, however, vary. I would buy new. You don't know what shape they're in if you go used. Pretty on the outside but beat to death on the inside.
Make sure you have some way to monitor pressure. Your bottle(s) get to hot, your going to run lean and have a meltdown. I have a regulator on my setup that takes care of this issue, but a simple gauge to monitor your pressure is a cost saving work round.
Fuel presure switch, VERY IMPORTANT, Back in 84' when I installed a NOS setup on one of my XS1100's I didn't include one. and you guessed it, my fuel pump failed and I shot 80hp of nitrous without any fuel. Need'ess to say, as cool as it looked it was a costly error. What this switch does is shut down your system if the fuel pressure drops.
How its activated is as diverse as the setups. I now use a progressive. Some use a button. Back in the day, on my old drag bike, I ran multi stage setups. 8 nozzles and 2 sets of solenoids. One 40 hp shot was activated at WOT, and as I hooked up I would press a button which would open the second stage of 100hp.
Don't be in a rush when installing, and above all don't cut corners. If you choose to build your setup yourself the world is your oyster. Solenoids and nozzles both can be purchaced from industrial supply stores. Wizards of NOS in the UK are making some impressive numbers with thier pulsoids but you are going to pay some $ for them. I ran a set then later sold it to a friend for him to race with. NX, NOS, and others out there offer complete setups for under $800.
Think to the future when your deciding what to get. Are you going to be happy with the base kit from NX, NOS, etc... or are you going to be adding a progressive controller, multi stages, fancy purge systems etc... You can part by part assemble your setup to grow as your needs/wants change.
Make sure your engine is in decent shape and in a good state of tune. I've seen old engines take a good hit of nitrous and be okay, but I've also seen poor running out-of-tune engines that thier owner put the squeeze to in order to "give it a pick me up" and instead sent the powerplant to an early grave.
Retarding timing on the engine running nitrous. This varies from tuner to tuner rule of thumb can be 1 or 2 degrees or ignition retard for every 50hp shot, depending on who you talk to. I run a dyna 3000 with no problems as of yet, using the retard curve. I'm currently feeding an 80hp shot in to the bike and have no ill effects.
All and all, It's cheap horsepower if done correctly, good luck in your ventures.