I washed the bike this morning....

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Well-Known Member
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Aug 10, 2013
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Winchester, KY
and got a scare!!!

Let me relate this story of my best friend and his '91 1100 Gixxer. About 21 years back, it was a bright and sunny Sunday afternoon. My friend Gary was washing and detailing his bike. Well, as he was drying it off, he was on the right side of the bike, when it slowly rolled forward. Being on that side, there was nothing to do but grab and lay it down as gently as he could. From that point on, he always kept the bike in gear.

Fast forward to this morning; I was drying off my bike after a wash and detail. I removed the centerstand and set it on its sidestand. As I was wringing my chamois, the bike started a slow roll forward. Luckily, I was on the left side and caught it!!! But all that weight was almost at the 45° point, so I really felt it!!! So the lesson learned today...keep your bike in gear!!!
I had something similar happen to me a few months back that could have turned out VERY bad.

I had been lying on the floor on the left side of my Vmax, tightening the bolts of the re-installed left engine guard.

After that, I decided to try to tighten the rear shock springs. While trying to adjust the right shock, the bike moved foreward slightly and easily and almost fell to the floor but the handlebar end caught a stack of lumber about 2 feet tall.

If that thing had rolled off the stand while I was laying under it yanking wrenches, I probably wouldn't be typing this right now.
I have my forks lowered 2" and what I did to compensate to keep the stock sidestand length was to file off a small amount material on the sidestands stop. I emphasize small amount because you can overdo it. This mod provided enough tilt even with the 2" fork drop. Why do I mention it in this thread of bikes rolling off their sidestand? Well the mod also makes it a little harder, but not impossible for sure, to roll forward while on the sidestand. It still is good advice to put it in gear if on a slight downward grade or when working on it. Luckily I've only had a couple events and maybe even I was luckier still was that I was on the LH side and able to catch it before if hit anything.
I have my forks lowered 2" and what I did to compensate to keep the stock sidestand length was to file off a small amount material on the sidestands stop. I emphasize small amount because you can overdo it. This mod provided enough tilt even with the 2" fork drop. Why do I mention it in this thread of bikes rolling off their sidestand? Well the mod also makes it a little harder, but not impossible for sure, to roll forward while on the sidestand. It still is good advice to put it in gear if on a slight downward grade or when working on it. Luckily I've only had a couple events and maybe even I was luckier still was that I was on the LH side and able to catch it before if hit anything.

I did the same for my bike, after reading Redbone's original description, a few years back. The stock angle of the sidestand does not allow for much error, if the bike is on a slight downgrade, or even in a strong wind. Even in gear the bike is able to roll forward a bit. Increasing the sidestand angle makes for a more stable position.
Thanks again, Brian, for the suggestion.
It still is good advice to put it in gear if on a slight downward grade or when working on it.

I actually make sure that after I stop, and it is in gear, that the bike moves forward a bit to take up all slack before setting it down on the stand. That way, it ain't moving at all. (I've heard stories about bikes being able to roll forward just enough to fold up the stand and end up on the side. I have NO intention of chancing that happening to me)
Been there too, and it sucks! Best thing Harley ever designed was their kickstands, they lock in the down position!