I have been running the Ignitech unit with Vboost Control for several years now and have been satisfied with it. Got some cool mods working and some custom tuning. Awesome little box. I recently discovered that the Vboost Control portion was not working quite like I had assumed it was. When the key was turned on, the servo would make a full sweep from stop to stop as one would expect. Watching it on the laptop with the TCIP4 software, everything appeared normal. The feedback would go from 0mV to 5000mV during the sweep as it should. What got me digging deeper was when I was demonstrating the function to a fellow vmax owner, I set it to 5kmV (something I had never bothered to do before) at idle and it only opened a little less than halfway and showed 5kmV. Weird, right? I used the test function to open the servo further but it still only showed 5k. I thought maybe the feedback pot had gone bad, but everything tested good. I'll spare you the details of me tearing apart and testing everything under the sun and cut straight ot the fix. What I discovered was that the feedback potentiometer was wired incorrectly. It came that way. Whoever added the vboost servo harness tapped into a 12v wire for the sensor feedback instead of the 5v sensor supply wire. As a result, the servo would only travel so far (42% to be exact) before reaching the target of 5000mv and stop. Because the sensing circuit and/or the software do not have the capability to interpret or display anything above 5000mv, you do not see the issue when you turn the key on and the servo makes a full sweep. I cut the white/red wire off the 12v supply connected it to the 5v sensor reference source and it works perfectly. My advice would be to check the servo harness where it connects to the Ignitech harness. The white/red wire needs to be connected to the other white/red wire that goes to the MAP/TPS and located at pin #17 on the ignitech plug. Again, if your ignitech harness came pre-wired like mine did, you may want to check it. If you find the red/white wire spliced into the red wire, your vboost is only functioning at about 42% when it activates at the set rpm.