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Jun 25, 2008
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My 1996 had no signal to front right coil
I believe it is a band tci because the dummy who was supposed to fix carbs smashed those wire together and they were shorting to each other i repaired this problem and still no pulse. I wanted to test the pickup coil/s before i spend this money. the manual says there are for and to test orange/ black orange/ gry and so on. my bike only has 2 wires orange and black not the five wire plug the manual describes. the orange and black measure a perfect 110.00 ohms. Is my manual decribing an older model max or am i missing something
Yeah, older maxes have 5 pin pickup. Yours has two.
thanks it was drivin me nuts it has 110 ohms which seems to be specs so guess i have to find tci anybody have one they want to sell ?
pull the outside cover off of your flywheel housing then unplug the orange and black plug and put a meter on it then turn the motor over with a ratchet the pickup coil reads 110 or less until it sencess the flywheel the signal resistance is 0. it should pickup four times per revolution.
pull the outside cover off of your flywheel housing then unplug the orange and black plug and put a meter on it then turn the motor over with a ratchet the pickup coil reads 110 or less until it sencess the flywheel the signal resistance is 0. it should pickup four times per revolution.

Scott, great idea! This test is cheaper than an oscilloscope!