Still STUMPED by the electrics on that '86..
I did a LOT of tests today, and still can't find the problem. As a comparison, I disconnected everything I could from the harness of my 2000 until everything not needed to run was off, and it still started and ran. Basically just left the battery, TCI, flasher relay, sidestand relay, main switch, RH bar switch (for starter button), RR, stator and coils.
All other bits got disconnected, even took off 3 out of 4 fuses leaving on the ignition one.
Did exactly the same on the '86 and it still won't go. Starter relay clicks, but no spin.
I even tried jumping the battery with the one from the 2000, and with two batteries it just about spins the starter but not much.
One thing I noticed while testing earlier on was that with the main switch off I would have 12.25V across the battery, but with the switch on I would see a huge drop - down to about 7V (?!?)
With everything disconnected it isn't as bad but still no worky.
I've tested just about every brown, red/white and red/black wires and they all check good, so still no luck finding the fault.
I'm using the ground strap from the 2000 which I know works.
The battery is fully charged - when I put the charger on it I get the green light.
I guess I'm gonna take out the starter motor next to have a look and clean it up, also I'm getting the grounding and starter kits from Johan to eliminate all that.
What a Pain In The Arse!!