I usually put my butt against the movable seat wedge & the front will get light as-soon as you whack-open the throttle, the longer you hold it open, the higher it comes. And as mentioned, the throttle-chop closed & then WFO will usually pop it up quickly, but is harder to control. I have stock handlebars, I ride my FZR1000 if I want the clip-on experience. That will power-up the front wheel easily even w/the clip-ons, as it's more powerful than the VMax & 80% of its weight.
Even my R100 RT BMW would do a power wheelie, because of torque, not HP. I liked to surprise the H-D guys w/their hugely expensive bikes, all custom paint & shiny bling, and then they couldn't beat a humble BMW w/saddlebags. The fastest H-D's would leave me, but the tables were turned for the others. Then when you came to the next light, they wouldn't even look-over!:rofl_200::clapping::biglaugh: They must have been steaming under their beanies, "I spent $30K+ and I can't beat that?!!!"