Considering that's it will only have be made for one year, you'd also be buying into quite an exclusive club, and some years down the line these bikes will be worth their weight in gold.
I just wish I had the cash to grab one cheap off a dealer now, shrink-wrap it and put it in storage in view of pulling it out in 20 years' time and auction it. That's a hell of a better retirement plan than any of those bank/insurance people can ever give ya..
Can't disagree with you NG.
I bought a XJ700 MaximX in '85, quick little 5 valve engine. They made them for 2 years and discontinued the model.
I could never figure that out, it was a great bike, fast reliable and got something like 55 mpg!
Now they are very hard to find and sell high on fleaBay.
Bet the "B" will go the same way.
Sure wish I'd a kept that 700X!