Is it just me, or...

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I have stripped a ton of these bikes some were scrap some nice riders. I have watched the price of these bikes decline a ton over the last 5 years. Let's face it Yamaha made a ton of them & they are a dime a dozen. If you watch the market like I do you can find them for 2500 bucks or less all the time now. I hate taking them apart sometimes but I also need to make a living & a lot of times they are just worth more in parts & it helps keep other peoples bikes on the road.
i'm sorry i had no intention of saying that it's a bad thing to do what you have to do i don't always fully explain myself i ment no dis to you i was reff to my local area we only have one salvage yard for a hundred miles and they are not vmax friendly and i'm the only one i know of in my area that rides one.That was my issue was with them i'm sorry to you and all that thought i ment anyone other than my area cause there are no parts here to get. I love my vmax and want no other bike and you guys are great and i ment no dis to anyone (well exc fire med) this forum has been great to me and i hope everyone here is aware that i appreciate you all and want the best for all of you thanks
i'm sorry i had no intention of saying that it's a bad thing to do what you have to do i don't always fully explain myself i ment no dis to you i was reff to my local area we only have one salvage yard for a hundred miles and they are not vmax friendly and i'm the only one i know of in my area that rides one.That was my issue was with them i'm sorry to you and all that thought i ment anyone other than my area cause there are no parts here to get. I love my vmax and want no other bike and you guys are great and i ment no dis to anyone (well exc fire med) this forum has been great to me and i hope everyone here is aware that i appreciate you all and want the best for all of you thanks
No Problem it is all good !
I haven’t been on in probably 7 or 8 months... not really sure. I will say that I don’t post that many questions because there are a few guys on here that will try to make you feel stupid! I know I’m not the only one that feels this way. It’s like... yeah great you know a lot, good for you but there is no need to be a condescending jerk about it! Or if someone ask a question that may be a repetitive one they get jumped on IMMEDIATELY! I have searched for answers before but sometimes it’s hard to find the exact problem that you have. Some people would rather just post their own questions. The way I look at it is... if you don’t want to answer, then don’t. But no need to be a smart a** !! I’m sure that has caused some people to not want to come on here.
Its hard not to sound condescending on a screen. Without knowing people in person, or being able to sense sarcasm its easy to feel flamed for questions. But in order to keep the vmax community alive (literally) my knowledge is always open. If i have the answer i share, if i don't then i can try to find it. That being said, i dont think people should have "feelings" when it comes to online interactions. Just words on a screen. Who gives a ****.
Well said, Killjoy! I've got almost 34 years of Vmax ownership under my belt, and even after all those years and miles I still get stumped once in a while. I'm not afraid or ashamed to ask questions from this band of brothers. Sometimes I've even got some advice to offer - hopefully helpful to someone.

They're only words on a screen... Life is too short to carry grudges. If anyone here should understand that, it would be me. If you really can't get along with someone, don't inflame a situation, let it go.
I tend to stay on the sidelines to read and learn. besides I seem to be a topic killer on this and other forums. I post and then the deafening sound of crickets. but when I do post a question I'm very grateful for the helpful answers.
later, bill
Anyone know why I can't seem to find this forum on tapatalk I tried keying in every combination but this forum does not pull up ???

It is not set up for Tapatalk. The Xenforo software is very mobile browser friendly. If you have a browser on your phone just type in the forum address and you'll see it as in a laptop, same permissions, etc
Give it a try.
I will say that I don’t post that many questions because there are a few guys on here that will try to make you feel stupid! I know I’m not the only one that feels this way. It’s like... yeah great you know a lot, good for you but there is no need to be a condescending jerk about it! Or if someone ask a question that may be a repetitive one they get jumped on IMMEDIATELY!

Do not be hesitant to ask questions here. That is the reason this forum exists. Without your activity this forum dies. I'd hate to see that happen.
Ask your questions. I'm sure you WILL get a good answer.
You may get some other stuff too. No need to worry about that. Don't be overly sensitive about internet content.
Do you think there's "something to-consider," when multiple manufacturers "just-say, no,'" or is it a tire industry-wide plot to get your money? Let's don our colander thinking-caps and think on this.

If you want-to use a car tire, it's your choice, just-like it's your choice to play Russian roulette, eat fatty foods, smoke (whatever), consume alcohol to excess, especially-before driving or riding; hang-glide, BASE jump, wear a squirrel suit and jump-off a precipice, engage in unprotected sex, or any-other activity which has the potential to harm you, and possibly, others.

Basing your decision to use a part not designed for the use to-which you're subjecting it, after viewing a youtube video is just a bad life's decision. Why would someone want to ignore multiple industries' engineering staffs (that would be at a minimum, the motorcycling industry and the motorcycle and automobile tire industries) because someone with a Go-Pro said, "lookit me! I didn't die! I did-it!" is truly a Darwin Award event.

One of the tactics to overcome the sidewall issues of car tire use on a motorcycle is to run the tire grossly-underinflated, so the designed tire pressure won't allow the sidewalls to function in the fashion to-which they were designed for use on a car. Excess sidewall flexing causes excess heat, and the tire bead is not going to be kept in-place as-well, nonwithstanding the fact the car tire bead isn't designed for the types of radial loads imposed upon it by being mounted to a motorcycle rim. Movement of the tire carcass against the parameters for which it was designed will subject the highly-engineered product to kinetic forces not planned-for in its design and manufacture, but I guess if some homeboy shot a Go-Pro of himself doing it, you bet your life! Because you are doing just-that.

You want to be a "darkside" rider, you should disclose to anyone to-whom you offer a ride pillon that your choice of tire isn't approved-of by either the motorcycle manufacturer nor the tire manufacturer, and let them be fully-informed, and to understand what you have chosen to-do. Think of it being in the same context as, "I just drank six beers, and now I want you to ride home with me on my motorcycle," or "my car has all-four tires showing cord, they're bald, and it just rained, but come accept a ride with me."

There is no reason to explain-away why a practice every motorcycle manufacturer would never admit-to on-record is a safe way to operate their product, is OK to-do; nor would you ever find a car tire manufacturer willing to say, "hey, it's OK to put that car tire onto a motorcycle!"

If you choose-to be that "darkside rider," and someone gets-hurt riding with you, the equipment you chose may be a contributing factor. Why take that chance to save a few dollars? That is a poor value judgement.
44psi is rec and thats whats in it. 6.6 1/8 mile no issues. No high speed issues,ran it 100+ several times.Can't say as much for the stock motorcycle tire. Scary at 90, still have it low miles if anyone needs to ride under 90 and pays to ship they can have it.Never put much stock in what a car dealer told you about the car he was selling you,feel about the same about any company and there judgement,always judge things myself but thats just me.Kinda like making my own about things and people has worked out great so far ,and after this long why quit now nobody likes a
BTW - I agree completely. Running a car tire on a motorcycle is idiotic. A lot of people do it, but a lot of people do heroin, too. I won't do either.
  1. A car tire is not compatible with a motorcycle rim. It may, or may not seat properly.
  2. A car tire has a foolishly small contact patch when cornering.
  3. Car tire sidewalls are not designed to be side-loaded. Ask ANYONE in the tire business.
  4. Car tires look STUPID on motorcycles.
You can disagree, but you will be wrong. If you want to chance it, go ahead, but don't ride anywhere near me.

i was fed and housed by a texaco service station till i was grown, then worked at and then owned several shops and had and still have my own tire machine last year paid to have over 300 tires to be disposed ,so in my life i have mounted a few tires ,splits in the old days and never a problem with any so when I tell myself that this particular tire fits a stock vmax rim perfectly ,and then i test drive it ,and then tell myself it's great ,well I tend to listen to my opinion of first hand knowledge rather than some shirt at a company. I just value my own above theres that's all and it still rides great today really stops great ,cause you know more contact patch on the road when you need it but of coarse i did'nt need to mention that I'm sure thats in all those same publications
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while i app your opinion of me being an idiot and a heroin junkie and stupid i'm sure your right and probably have a couple of grand to spend on a wheel but i don't and with the stock set of tires i was tip toed at the wrong spots and had it walking in the road at above 80 so the radials and not having a center stripe in the tire in front stopped this high speed problem i'm aware of the side load issue but our rims are so narrow it spreads the tire to a more rounded posi but my orignal post was for the person who could not afford a wheel the high speed problem we all have had that in my case it stopped that issue and i would be a stupid idiot on heroin if i prefferd the danger of a high speed issue versus the car tire but it was only ment to help sorry that it made everyone so angry i was only tryin to give info that worked for me no dis intended

  1. Hey 007,I wantedto send u a private message but couldn't figger out how..I have a ct on my 07 Stratoliner,works well and at 15 miles only 1/4th worn..Please contact me at 904-477-3838,,or, [email protected]..I would like to talk about your experience with ct on max..To controversial on forum,Thanks
Hey 007,I wantedto send u a private message but couldn't figger out how..I have a ct on my 07 Stratoliner,works well and at 15 miles only 1/4th worn..Please contact me at 904-477-3838,,or, [email protected]..I would like to talk about your experience with ct on max..To controversial on forum,Thanks
Hey 007,I wantedto send u a private message but couldn't figger out how..I have a ct on my 07 Stratoliner,works well and at 15 miles only 1/4th worn..Please contact me at 904-477-3838,,or, [email protected]..I would like to talk about your experience with ct on max..To controversial on forum,Thanks

SImple: left-click on his screen name, then left-click on 'start a conversation.' You're welcome.
It is no longer available on tapatalk.
It is not set up for Tapatalk. The Xenforo software is very mobile browser friendly. If you have a browser on your phone just type in the forum address and you'll see it as in a laptop, same permissions, etc
Give it a try.
Thanks I used to access it on Tapatalk long time ago andwas wondering if it was just me .
Damn Bill, I’m one of those that fell of the face of the earth and back from the dead. Just a few I keep up with personally. How is the 85 doing ? At 55, I need to start thinking of simplifying and newer generations have no idea about Vmaxes. Although our bikes hardly sell for squat, prices to keep them running or looking good ain’t getting no cheaper !
Keep on trucking brother. Good to see your oist !

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